Whether you want to raise money for a charity that deals with a cause close to your heart, or you want to help the down the street, knowing how to effectively raise money can make all the difference. If you’re interested in helping a non-profit organization with their cause, there may be some red tape that you’ll need to cut through, but then you’ll be able to focus your efforts on running the most successful fundraiser you can.

StepsPart 1Part 1 of 3:Preparing to Raise FundsMaking a Plan

1Stick to the classics. If you’re catering to a more traditional audience, consider sticking to the classics. Fundraisers like bake sales and gift wrapping have existed for a long time for a reason. They .Have a bake or craft sale. Bake sales and craft sales allow the community to participate by contribute homemade goods. If planned around a holiday, attendance is generally higher as people are looking for Christmas presents.XHost a party. This is great if you’re trying to raise funds locally, or want to target your friends but not pressure them into a donation. Host a party with clear message and inform guests about the opportunity for donating. Give a short presentation on the cause during the gathering if possible.Hold a car wash. Another classic fundraiser, the car wash is still an effective fundraiser, especially in the summer months.Set up a dinner fundraiser. If you’re running a fundraiser for a larger organization, you can try a fundraising dinner. You’ll need to find a venue and prepare the menu, but you’ll be able to charge per plate, which can lead to a lot of donations.Hold a raffle. If you can come up with some good prizes, you may be able to hold a raffle. Be sure to check the local regulations on holding raffles, as they may be considered gambling and require a permit.Consider gift wrapping if you’re fundraising around Christmas. You can charge patrons a small fee to have their items custom gift wrapped for a cause.XEXPERT TIP

1Contact the organization you’re fundraising for. If you’re fundraising for a specific organization, contact that organization beforehand. Many organizations have specific regulations that must be followed in regards to fundraising. They may also have specific ways funds are transferred to their organization. Contact the HR department of the organization you want to work with and make sure your in accordance with their policy.

2Advertise. Once you’ve settled on a campaign, you’ll need to advertise. Make sure you do so appropriately and effectively.The way you advertise depends on your audience. Older demographics tend to prefer traditional forms of advertisement, like flyers and radio ads. Younger demographics are most likely to make plans via social media.XSend out invitations if you’re doing something like a dinner. A classy invitation can entice people to want to come to your event. If invitations stretch your budget, consider evites.X

3Consider setting up a bank account for the fundraiser. Many local banks will work with you to set up a fund that your donors can contribute to. This is especially useful if you are trying to collect funds for a family in the area or for a renovation project. Stop by your local bank and ask them about creating a bank account for your event.

4Figure out the logistics. One of the hardest parts of fundraising is the planning stage. Make sure you figure out all the logistics of planning the event.Assign different tasks to different people. It can help to separate duties into categories and build teams from there. One group can responsible for managing money, another responsible for booking venues, and so on.Double check all your information. Make sure you’re following all regulations regarding fundraisers before engaging in the event. You do not want to host a successful event only to be slapped with a fine later on.Part 3Part 3 of 3:Fundraising Effectively

1Build a strong social media presence. A strong social media presence is key for successful fundraising. Get on Facebook, Twitter, Foursquare, and other social media outlets.Ask a social media savvy friend to help if you’re not familiar with these outlets yourself. A strong Facebook fan page, as well as a Twitter presence, can be a great means to spread the word of an event to many people at once.Reach out to the right people. Blindly inviting your entire Facebook friend’s list is a big no-no. You’re likely to annoy people who do not live in the area or who are not interested in the cause. Stick to inviting people who you know have similar views and live near enough to attend.

2Itemize expenses. People are more likely to donate if they know where their money is going. Know exactly where your money will be going and be upfront with people about this. If people know that, say, $5 buys one vaccination for a child in need in a third world country they’ll be motivated to give.X

3Keep records. As you’ll likely have to go through some auditing process for tax purposes, keep thorough records. Keep records of who donated, how much they donated, and what the money went towards.

4Believe in your cause. The key to getting people to donate is genuinely believing in your cause yourself. Know as much as you can about your cause so you sincerely believe it’s worth it.If you know a lot about your cause, you’re likely to feel more passionate about it. When you send out an e-mail or letter asking for donations, you’ll sound more convicted. This can motivate people to donate.XPeople enjoy contributing to worthy causes. It makes them feel positive about themselves and involved in their community. The stronger you believe in your cause, the more others will want to help you out.X

5Make donating as easy as possible. The easier it is for passersby to donate to your cause, the more money you’ll be likely to raise. Make it easy for potential donors to make a contribution. If you have a website set up to collect donations, ensure that it is easy to navigate. If you’ve set up an account at the local bank, make sure the instructions for making a deposit are clear.Low minimums for donations are more likely to make people feel like they can afford it.

6Thank each of your donors. Each person that donates should receive a message from you or your organization, thanking them for their contribution and outlining what the money will be used for. Make the donor feel good about the money that they contributed. Thanking your donor also makes it easier to get in contact again when you run another fundraiser.For large organizations, its expected that a thank-you message be sent out within 48 hours of the donation.For personal fundraisers, you should be working to thank people as soon as they make their donation, and again after the fundraiser is complete.