There’s no question that charities, nonprofits, PTAs, clubs and many other groups need to raise funds. The question is, how to do it effectively. This article introduces several ways that your group can raise funds for its projects.

StepsMethod 1Method 1 of 4:Preparing to Fundraise

1Define your needs. This is the most important first step in fundraising. To effectively raise money, you have to know what you’re fundraising for in the first place. Take the time to figure out your group’s needs and budget the costs to meet them.XExpert SourceRob WuDigital Fundraising & Crowdfunding ExpertExpert Interview. 1 October 2019.X

2Develop the language. Now that you have identified your needs, you need to articulate them. Develop some language describing what you need, why you need it, how it will help the community you serve, and how much it will cost.XExpert SourceRob WuDigital Fundraising & Crowdfunding ExpertExpert Interview. 1 October 2019. You may not need all of this written language for every fundraising effort, but you’ll appreciate having it on hand when it’s required.X

3Develop a method to track donations and donor information. For legal, accounting and internal tracking purposes, you will need the capacity to record and track donations and donor information. Your method can be a simple spreadsheet, or a complex, custom database, but you must have a usable tool.X

4Get staff or volunteers to do the . Fundraising is work, no doubt about it. You will need capable, reliable people to manage records, staff events, stuff envelopes, solicit donations, write emails, update websites and more. Your board should definitely be involved in fundraising. You can also recruit volunteers from your constituency, from local service organizations, colleges and universities, or from online services like Volunteer Match.XMethod 2Method 2 of 4:Legal Issues

The intricate legal issues surrounding fundraising are governed by the IRS code and individual state laws. Here is an overview of the most critical issues.

1Understand tax deductibility. Many donations to charity are tax deductible, but not all are. In order to do so you must be a 501 c 3 or have the right to use another group’s 501 c 3 to process your donations.XExpert SourceRob WuDigital Fundraising & Crowdfunding ExpertExpert Interview. 1 October 2019.XTrustworthy SourceInternal Revenue ServiceU.S. government agency in charge of managing the Federal Tax CodeGo to source

2Disclose whether goods or services were provided in exchange for the donation. If your organization provided anything in exchange for the donation, you must say that in your acknowledgement letter. This is called a quid pro quo contribution.XTrustworthy SourceInternal Revenue ServiceU.S. government agency in charge of managing the Federal Tax CodeGo to source An example of a quid pro quo contribution would be if you made a donation of $100 and got a cookbook valued at $30 in exchange. Only $70 of this contribution is deductible.You usually need not worry about very small items like a refrigerator magnet or a pen.For quid pro quo contributions, you must provide an acknowledgement if the cash donation is $75 or greater, even if the deductible part is less than $75.

3Provide acknowledgement letters. Acknowledgement letters are important for a few reasons. They are the right thing to do, of course, but they also provide the donor with a record of their donation for tax purposes. The IRS requires that an acknowledgement letter be provided for any gift of $250 or more.XTrustworthy SourceInternal Revenue ServiceU.S. government agency in charge of managing the Federal Tax CodeGo to sourceAcknowledgements must be written, but can be electronic or printed.Although the threshold is $250, it’s good practice to acknowledge every gift you receive, even if it’s $5.

4Register your charity (optional). 40 states in the U.S. require charities to register with a state agency in order to solicit donations from residents of those states.XTrustworthy SourceInternal Revenue ServiceU.S. government agency in charge of managing the Federal Tax CodeGo to source Solicitation can include any type of request, whether by mail, online or by phone. Check online to see whether you are required to register.

5Talk to a professional. The best way to understand the legal issues in fundraising is to get professional advice. Check with your financial staff, an attorney or an accountant who specializes in nonprofit finance if you have any questions at all about the law.Method 3Method 3 of 4:Fundraising Events

1Understand the method. A fundraising event is a party or gathering intended to raise money for an organization, ranging from formal NGOs to informal clubs. Typically, revenue comes in through ticket sales, and in some cases, corporate sponsorships. Although events are notorious for being expensive, time consuming and not terribly cost effective, they don’t have to be that way. Here are some ideas for simple fundraising events that don’t require a lot of money or energy.X

2Hold a house party. House parties are a tried and true method of fundraising.XTrustworthy SourceInternational OCD FoundationNon-profit organization dedicated to helping everyone affected by Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and related disorders to live full and productive lives.Go to source A house party is a small event hosted at the home of someone close to your organization. The host invites friends and contacts whom he or she believes might be interested in donating to your program. After mingling and refreshments, the president or director of your organization makes a short presentation about your group. Guests have an opportunity to ask questions, then, the host invites them make a donation. Some tips on house parties:A house party does not have to be fancy. It can be a dinner party or a cocktail party. It can have 20 guests or 6. Refreshments can be catered, or as simple as coffee and cake.Make sure that the host of the party directly asks guests to donate.Have staff and board members on hand to mingle and answer questions.If appropriate, consider asking a program participant to attend. It can be very powerful and compelling for donors to meet and speak with someone who has received your organization’s services.

3Make a booth. If you go to the manager of a store, like Walmart, the you can ask to make a booth in front of the store. This can be very successful.

4Hold a restaurant fundraiser. Many restaurants have established fundraising programs whereby nonprofits can receive a percentage of sales on a designated day. These programs are very common among big chain restaurants, but smaller establishments offer them too. Search online to find out what restaurants in your area offer this fundraising tool. Once you’ve identified a restaurant, follow these tips.Understand the terms. Restaurants have different guidelines and rules for fundraisers. Some donate a percentage of the entire bill; some exclude alcohol sales. Some require that customers present a coupon or other document for your group to receive a donation, others don’t. Make sure you are clear on what’s expected so you can take full advantage of the event.Get the word out. Make sure your constituents and everyone in your group knows about your event. Encourage them to invite their friends too.Provide materials. Set out brochures, postcards or other items to let diners know that their purchases are supporting your organization.

5Hold a dessert party. A dessert party is a fun, simple and inexpensive event. Hold the party at the home of a board member or other friend of your organization. Ask volunteers to make desserts in single serving sizes. Provide coffee, tea and soft drinks. Sell tickets at a modest price. Enjoy the sweets!X

6Hold a craft fair. A craft fair is an easy and very inexpensive fundraising event. Your organization rents table space to vendors to display and sell their products. If you like, you can also ask vendors to donate a percentage of their sales to your group. If you have a facility you’d like to show off, a craft fair is a great way to get the community to visit.XAdd to the fun and interest of the event by scheduling performances, speakers or other entertainment throughout the day.Make sure there are opportunities for customers and visitors to learn about and make a donation to your organization during the event.Consider holding a raffle as an additional way to generate revenue at the craft fair.

7Sell your passion. If you want a fun and passionate fundraiser that doesn’t take a lot of planning, consider using It’s simple, fun, and everyone loves the Love My Heart shirts you sell! Not to mention there are no out of pocket costs like the other events listed here!Method 4Method 4 of 4:Fundraising Online

1Understand the method. In some ways, fundraising online is not much different than fundraising in the physical world. You still need to be able to effectively communicate your needs, tell stories that illustrate your work, and motivate people to make a donation to your cause. The difference is that while in the physical world you may have time to build a relationship with a potential donor, that isn’t always the case online. They may only come across your website once, so you may only have one shot at convincing them to give.XExpert SourceRob WuDigital Fundraising & Crowdfunding ExpertExpert Interview. 1 October 2019. Therefore, it’s even more important to communicate your message in a compelling way.X Here are some ways to do it.

2Set up a web page. The most basic way to raise funds online is to set up a webpage for donations, then let people know to go to that page to make a contribution. Include the link in written and electronic communications you send to your members or constituents. Make sure it’s accessible from your home page, and other pages of your website. Keep these tips in mind.Most donations made online are done by credit card transaction. If you are not already set up to accept credit cards, there are a number of companies that provide credit card donation processing services for a fee.Offer the option of recurring donations. Recurring donations can benefit your organization in a few ways. Many donors find it easier to make a larger donation if its split up into quarterly or monthly payments; some very committed donors may want to make an annual donation to you. Make this as easy as possible by setting up recurring payments. Ask your online donation processing service how to offer this to your donors.Some organizations opt to accept online donations through PayPal. Visit PayPal’s website to learn more.X

3Sign up with an affiliate program. Fundraising with an affiliate program is a lot like making commissions off sales. An online merchant or shopping portal provides the charity with a unique affiliate link. Shoppers use the link to access the merchant, make purchases, and the charity receives a percentage of the sales. Here are some tips for affiliate fundraising.There are dozens of merchants and portals that offer this fundraising tool. You can sign up for more than one to maximize your potential donations.Consider your constituents. When you select a merchant, consider where your constituents are likely to shop online. It might be a good idea to do a survey or ask a few key players to make sure you’re choosing well.Get the word out. Most affiliate programs offer widgets or banners that are easy to drop into your website. Include these on your website and in electronic communications to let your supporters know how they can help.

4Consider crowdfunding. Crowdfunding combines online fundraising with social media to help individuals and organizations raise funds. it’s a way for many individuals to pool their resources and donations to get projects funded. Donors can typically contribute as little as $1.00, making it easy for lots of people to participate. There are several websites set up for crowdfunding. Funds-seekers create a campaign page describing their project or organization, and explain how the funds will be used and what, if any, benefit donors will receive for participating. Here are some tips on fundraising using crowdfunding.Crowdfunding is particularly well suited for funding discrete projects.X Rather than launch a campaign asking for all the money you need to operate a program, consider how you can break it up a bit. For example, a music program could launch a campaign to purchase 10 instruments for low income students.Articulate your needs and your project clearly. The clearer you can be about why you need the money and how you will use it, the better.Get creative. Add media to your campaign page to increase readers’ interest. Videos, images and success stories are great for telling your story, so use them to your advantage.Sample Emails Asking for DonationsSample School Donation EmailSample Business Donation EmailSample Charity Donation Email