Volunteering overseas can be one of the most meaningful experiences of your . It is the chance to see the world, do some good, and learn about yourself rolled into one. But it isn’t easy. Volunteering abroad takes sacrifice and often money, and there are thousands of programs to choose from. That said, with some personal reflection and an open-mind anyone can find the perfect volunteering program abroad for them.

StepsMethod 1Method 1 of 3:Picking the Right Program

1Decide what sort of you find meaningful. Is there a specific cause or location that you feel passionate about helping? Do you love working with , or do you want to do a broader sort of volunteer work, like helping at a medical clinic? Some potential work you can volunteer for includes: Teaching.Building schools, clinics, wells, etc.Farming.Social work, such as helping at a refugee camp or urban poverty center.Clean up/repair, especially after a disaster.

2Consider your skill set, and what kind of work you can help do. Would you, for example, like to help build a ? Would you like to volunteer at a refugee camp? Different workplaces require different skills. If you would like to work as a teacher, you might need to be able to speak the language of the country you are going to (or know some basic phrases). If you want to help at a building site, you would help to have some building or carpentry skills. Remember, you are going over to help — you don’t want to have someone spending all of their time teaching you when you should be volunteering.This doesn’t mean that you need to be an expert before going over. However, having some knowledge of the work you are doing can help you feel a sense of purpose, instead of confusion, when you arrive.

3Make a list of locations you would like to visit or help. While your primary reason for volunteering should be a desire to help someone in need, you do not want to go to a place you feel uncomfortable or unhappy. Having an interest in a culture or country will help you dive into the experience and find the best way to help those you’ve come to help. Ask yourself a few questions as you choose places to volunteer:Do I have any experience with the language? Is English common?Do I want to go there as a vacation, or do I want to do some good?Am I interested in this culture? Am I willing to immerse myself in order to learn more about it?Are there any health or safety concerns I should be worried about?

4Determine how long you are willing to volunteer and how much money you can spend. There is a variety of programs that need volunteers throughout the year. Some cost money and provide room and board. Others are free but don’t provide lodging. Still others provide everything you need in exchange for volunteer work. The biggest determining factor in cost is the length of volunteering: Short stays, between 1-2 weeks, are usually expensive. You pay for airfare as well as a program fee. Oftentimes you have designated activities as well, allowing you to tour the country as well as volunteer. This, of course, comes with a higher cost– between $1-2000 a week.Mid-length stays, between 1-2 months, have variable costs. You could contact an agency directly (such as a hospital in southeast Asia) and simply start working, paying for your own food and lodging. Or you could sign up for a program through a volunteer company, which may or may not charge a program fee, but usually costs less per week than a short stayLong-term stays, or anything over 3 months, often require nothing more than transportation costs. There is usually some form of commitment (an agreement to stay X number of months), but you can volunteer “for free” once you arrive, as room and board are included.X

5Use targeted, specific searches to find programs you like. There are thousands of programs out there, and searching online for “volunteering in Africa” will result in a flood of different options. Instead, use your skills, desires, and logistics to search for specific programs online. A search for “Short-term orphanage volunteer in South Africa” will get you right to the programs you want to see, for example.If you’re looking to volunteer without a program you’ll need to do a bit more digging. Try and contact the organizations you are interested in, such as schools, hospitals, or shelters, and ask them if they take volunteers. Many will be happy for the work, and may be able to help with lodging or food costs.

6Verify the full cost of a program before paying. Not all programs are created equally. Make sure that you know the exact “benefits” your program offers, from paid meals to medical options should you get sick. Check for testimonials online, and research their work and company history. Some groups are more effective than others, and you don’t want red tape and low resources keeping you from doing the work that you want to do. Likewise, you don’t want any hidden fees to get you later on, like having to pay for meals when yo expected them for free.

7Talk to someone in the organization who has either done the trip or is currently working. Get in touch with someone on the ground, or someone with experience, to get the full details on the experience. You should ask what to expect, if they found the trip fulfilling, and their general attitude towards the work. The story advertised on the website may be very different from the one on the ground, and you should investigate before writing a check.Make sure the group spends its money wisely by looking into old projects. Try and contact old volunteers for their opinions of the company. Many companies have a “testimonials” page, and you can contact them asking to speak to someone if they do not.Get in touch with the organization and ask any questions you might have. If they do not answer back in a timely manner they may not be the best group to work with.XMethod 2Method 2 of 3:Preparing to Leave

1Contact your chosen program about flight times. Most programs require that you book flights at specific times so that they can pick you up. Before buying any tickets, forward your potential flight information to the program and ask if this will work for them.Depending on your program, how rural it is, or natural disasters, you may want to seriously consider flight insurance. Pick-ups and logistics can be very fluid in 3rd world countries.

2Understand and plan for any “hidden” fees. While this will change from country to country and program to program, you need to be prepared to fund yourself while you are abroad. Talk to the program about potential costs, from food and clean water to toiletries, and make sure you have enough money to live comfortably and safely. It is usually a good idea to have two times your projected expenses ready, in the case of an emergency.XCall your bank and let them know that you are leaving the country. When foreign charges show up, many banks assume it is a scam/stolen card and suspends your account, locking you out of your money.

3Get your passport 4-6 months in advance. You want to be sure that your passport is ready to go well in advance, as you’ll need it to get a visa. This also gives you time to fix any mistakes or deal with any issues long before you’re ready to fly off.

4Get a visa for the country you’re traveling too. There are some countries that don’t require a visa, and some that only require them for longer stays, but you need to be sure if you need one or not. Many countries require different visas depending on how long you stay and the work you’re doing. Before buying a ticket, check out the US State Department’s database on travel restrictions for every country and follow their procedures for getting the appropriate visa.Visas are provided by the country you are going to visit. So, to get a visa to go to Senegal, you need to contact the Senegalese Embassy or Consulate.You may be required to visit an embassy, get fingerprinted, and/or have proof of immunization before getting a visa.X

5Check with a travel doctor to get the necessary shots and vaccinations. These change from country to country, and they can get expensive. They also require several weeks to set in, and some need to be re-administered before you leave, so be sure to talk to you doctor as soon as you know where you are going. This should be planned 3-6 months in advance of leaving.

6Make, check, and double-check a travel checklist. Again, this will change depending on where you are going. Most programs will provide you with a checklist, letting you know the equipment you need to have when traveling. Pack as lightly as possible for easy travel and to decrease the risk of theft, and make sure, above all else, that you have all of your documents (passports, visas, tickets) packed. Some general advice includes:Photocopy all relevant documents so you have a copy if something is lost.Bring extra chargers, wall adapters, and batteries for any crucial electronics.Check the US State Department’s country by country list of travel warnings before leaving.X

7Prepare yourself mentally. Just as important as physical preparation, mentally preparing yourself for the journey to come will make everything easier. Volunteering abroad is not easy, and you need to be able to roll with the punches as the come. Things will go wrong, you will get homesick, and you will get lost, both literally and figuratively. The best way to avoid and manage these is to leave your sense of expectations at home — be ready for surprises, and be ready to learn as much about yourself as the culture you are entering.Flexibility – can you deal with constantly changing plans/projects?Patience – can you cope with delays and frustrating procedures?Humility – are you able to do the things that are “beneath” your skills and training without a grumble? Can you adapt your usual standard of living to something new and different?Openness – are you able to deal with cultural differences and are your views of the world open?Reliability – are you someone others can depend on? Are you punctual?Sense of humor — things aren’t always going to go well, and that’s okay. Being able to laugh at the weird little pitfalls will make them easier to clear up.Method 3Method 3 of 3:Being a Good Volunteer

1Take initiative when you arrive. Many volunteer organizations, especially smaller ones, do not have the resources to run smoothly. You may arrive and get the directions, “Go teach that group of children math,” but little else. You need to be ready to be your own boss to a certain extent. You are there to make a difference, but you’ll need to be confident in yourself to do so. Try and be results driven — you are there to make a difference, so make a difference. Trust your gut and push forward, doing everything to make things better for these people, not for yourself.XFeel free to ask questions if you are confused, but do your best to work on your own. Small, underfunded operations cannot waste time telling you what to do at all times — they need to trust that you’ll get things done.X

2Be adaptable. Things are not going to go well all the time. The best volunteers are flexible and can adapt to new situations in the blink of an eye. Remember that you are there to volunteer — to help out other people. You are not there on vacation, and no one “owes you” anything. So be ready for changes of plans and potentially doing different work than you expected. It makes everyone’s life, including your own, much easier.

3Stay energetic and enthusiastic. There are going to be times when the work is tough, grueling, and even heartbreaking. Volunteering is not easy, and that’s okay. But you need to do your best to stay positive and optimistic. It not only helps you cope with struggle, it shows your co-workers and the people you are working with that things will get better. It lifts everyone’s spirits and makes the work easier and more effective.Remember that, while this may be hard for you, the people you help often go through these hardships every single day. They don’t ask for pity, and neither should you.X

4Immerse yourself in the local culture. Do not go to a country and expect people to behave the way people behave in your home country. This may sound obvious, but some volunteers come with a close minded attitude. They might avoid local food, only going to western-style places and bars, and look down on or pity the people in the country. This hurts everyone because it puts up a barrier between you and the people you want to help.Go for walks through town and introduce yourself to people you meet.Ask host-families or support to teach you things you don’t understand like recipes, music, or games.Make learning a priority — whether it is a routine, skill, or language, you should aim to become a sponge of local culture and knowledge.Avoid hanging out with only people “like you.” Make an effort to encounter all walks of life.

5Be selfless. If you remember that you are there to help others, not yourself, you will be a good volunteer. At the end of the day, volunteering is about making a sacrifice (of your time, money, skills, etc.) to help someone else in need. If you are trying your best to help someone out, putting their needs before yourself for a few days, weeks, or months, you will be a good volunteer.X

6Take the time to enjoy your trip. Don’t feel like you need to work the entire time you’re there. Instead, use your time to immerse yourself in the local culture, take pictures, meet friends, and let people back home know how you’re doing. Make the most of the experience by making it yours. While you are not there to be a tourist, you are there to make a meaningful impact on the people you help and yourself. Some good ideas to help make the most of your trip include:Make 1-2 local friends and exchange contact information. Be sure to stay in touch.Start a blog or email correspondence to share stories and news with friends and back home.Write a journal or shoot a photo diary, documenting your stay so that you can look back and enjoy it later.Find a project, person, or task that you are passionate about while you are there and make it the very best you possibly can.Take some time to reflect on the experience afterward — how have you changed? What did you learn?