If you’re considering an exciting, nature-filled vacation, Kruger National Park may be the spot for you! With plenty of animals, such as lions and elephants, vibrant wildlife, and a rich history, this South African game reserve should be on your bucket list. With careful preparation, you’ll be able to plan the most fun and informative trip to Kruger National Park!

StepsPart 1Part 1 of 3:Planning Your Trip

1Choose what time of year you’d like to visit. South Africa has beautiful weather, so you really can’t go wrong no matter what season you choose to visit. However, winter is generally considered the best time to go to Kruger National Park. Because it’s so dry, there are few trees and grass, making it easier to view animals. Though it is winter, the it will not be too cold.During the summer, hotel and tour rates are lower.

2Decide how you will get there. Chances are you don’t live near the park, so you’ll have to fly. To save on money, fly into Johannesburg, then rent a car so you can drive to Kruger. Expect the car ride to take around 4-5 hours. A more convenient way would be flying into Cape Town or Johannesburg before taking a smaller plane and land closer to Kruger. XIf you have room in your budget, you could also take a private plane from any major airport in South Africa to get to Kruger.

3Plan to spend at least 3 days at the park. Spend enough time to explore and see as many animals as possible. If you want to take your time tracking animals and immersing yourself in nature, you could easily spend several weeks in Kruger. Realistically though, 5 days should be enough.

4Pick an area of Kruger to visit. Kruger National Park is very large, spanning 19000 sq. Km. The size of the park means every area is different, so it is essential that you plan what part you want to see beforehand. You have the Far North, Northern, Central, and Southern regions to choose from. The landscape, plants, and wildlife all vary depending on where you are.The Far North Region allows for great game viewing along the river, while the Northern Region has plenty of prehistoric artifacts.XThe Central Region has the best scenery, and the Southern Region’s vegetation makes it difficult to view animals.X

5Pack appropriately. Bring light, cotton clothing in light colors. It gets really hot in Kruger, so a lighter fabric will help keep you cool. Light colors will help as well, and they’ll ensure you aren’t a target for the animals. Come prepared with sunscreen, a rain jacket, a wide-brimmed hat, and good walking or hiking shoes.XYou probably want to bring a camera to capture all the excitement and show your friends what you see!Part 2Part 2 of 3:Arriving at the Park

1Arrive at one of the entrance gates on time. Krueger State Park has 10 different gates, which are spread out throughout the park. There are Southern, Central, and Northern Gates. Generally, the gates open at dawn and close at dusk. Between the months of October and March, you can get into the park as early as 5:30am. From April to September, they open at 6:00am.XThe opening times for the camp gates are different throughout the year.X

2Pay your entrance fee. To gain entrance to Kruger State Park, you have two options: pay per day or purchase a WILD Card, allowing you unlimited yearly access to more than 80 parks and reserves in South Africa. Once you get the gate, you will be asked to fill out a form to pay and receive your pass.XThere are different fees for individuals, couples, , and families.

3Drive inside the park. Though driving inside the park is easy, keep in mind you’ll be switching between paved roads and dirt roads. The speed limits change depending on what you’re driving on, though you’ll likely be driving slower anyway as you try to spot some animals.XPart 3Part 3 of 3:Exploring Kruger

1Sign up for a game drive. The game drives at Kruger National Park offer visitors a comfortable way to see all the animals. In an open-air vehicle, you can see animals like elephants, giraffes, and lions while receiving commentary from an experienced guide.XThe drives are available at sunrise, sunset, and night.They usually last between 2 and 3.5 hours, so come prepared with snacks and water!

2Explore the area on foot. Kruger National Park offers river and bush walks led by experienced guides. The walks, which take between 2 and 4 hours, depart from the main rest camps. This is another chance for you to spot some game! These walks can start as early as 4:00am.XDon’t be worried if your guides carry rifles – they’re meant to protect you!You’ll be asked to wear neutral colors, so you blend in with the environment. If you wear something bright, the animals might make you a target.

3Visit Hippo Pool. Here, you can see hundreds of hippos as they navigate the Crocodile River. Most likely, the large creatures will be trying to stay cool in the humidity. Though you are encouraged to get out of your vehicle to take pictures of the hippos, don’t get too close! Hippos are very dangerous, so stay in the designated viewing areas.XYou might also spot some crocodiles at Hippo Pool, but they’re usually trying to hide themselves.

4Check out the Albasini Ruins. This is a great spot for any history buff! The Albasini Ruins is home to a 19th-century trading post where bread, clothes, and metal products used to be traded. Today, all that’s there is some crumbled walls and some artifacts.XIf you want to see the ruins, you can drive there on your own. The standard safari tours generally don’t include this site on their schedule.X