Belize is a Central American country that borders the Caribbean Sea, Guatemala and Mexico. Belize is a British Commonwealth country, and you will find English spoken throughout the country. Spanish is commonly spoken near the borders, along with a Creole formed from a mix of colonial languages. The country is known for its coral reef, adventure sports, Mayan ruins and beautiful jungles. Tourists usually travel to Belize City for water sports and beach time between December and April, when they can also avoid hurricane season. Find out how to travel to Belize.

StepsMethod 1Method 1 of 2:Belize Travel Advice

1Apply for a passport. Traveling to Belize by airplane or through other borders requires you to have a valid passport that does not expire within 6 months of arrival. Some cruises that depart and return through a US port only require a government issued photo ID and passport; however, it is always preferable to take a passport.

2Book a return ticket before you enter the country. The Belize customs and immigration authority requires that you have a return ticket book and enough money to cover your trip throughout Belize. You may need to state these 2 facts when you enter and go through customs.

3Plan to stay for less than 1 month in Belize. You must apply for an extension through the Belize Ministry of Defense and Immigration, if you want to stay for any longer than 1 month.

4Opt for immunizations before entering Belize. Although there are no required immunizations, the Center for Disease Control recommends that you keep up to date on routine vaccines, such as diphtheria, polio and measles, mumps and rubella. They also recommend that you get a typhoid fever, rabies, Hepatitis A and Hepatitis B vaccine if you will be going outside any of the main tourist areas.Get your vaccinations at least 6 weeks in advance of your trip for maximum effect. See a travel medicine provider in your area.

5Consider taking anti-malaria medication. If you plan to go out into the smaller towns or jungles, you will want to start taking anti-malaria pills a few days before you enter the country.

6Bring US dollars. You can often pay with US dollars and exchange them for Belize dollars, which usually trade 2 to 1 for the American dollar. Bring several forms of payment, including cash, a credit card and a debit card.If you do not decide to take malaria medication, it is a good idea to use insect repellent to avoid being bitten by disease-carrying mosquitoes. You can also avoid being bitten by wearing long sleeved shirts and long pants and sleeping underneath a mosquito net.Belize is generally more expensive than most tourists realize, because it is far more expensive than neighboring Mexico and Honduras. Its relationship with Britain and America makes it an extremely popular tourist destination.Method 2Method 2 of 2:Planning your Trip

1Keep your budget in mind before you book. The high tourist season in Belize is between December and April. The highest points are around Christmas and Easter, when extra high prices are charged at resorts and hotels.

2Pack well for your trip to Belize. In addition to swimsuits, lightweight clothing, hats and sunglasses, you should also pack plenty of sunscreen. Consider bringing anti-diarrhea tablets and water purifiers with you, especially if you are going to go into the interior of the country.

3Book a cruise that travels to Belize. If you are interested in seeing Belize for only a short time, you can join a cruise that departs from Texas, New Orleans, Florida or Puerto Rico and docks for a day in Belize. These cruises often visit Mexico, Honduras and Puerto Rico in addition to Belize.

4Book a resort package on the Caribbean coast. Belize is known for having the second largest coral reef, so most of the activity takes place in Belize City and around the shore. Many resorts have package deals for families or couples that include meals, activities, lodging and some transportation.

5Plan your trip according to the activities you would like to take part in. If you want to spend a week or longer in Belize, you may want more freedom than a resort can offer. Choose 1 or more of the following places to visit during your stay.Visit the coral reef. If you want to scuba dive, snorkel or hang out on the beach, you should choose destinations on the Caribbean. You can visit different Cays around the coast to gain access to different types of sea .Visit the Mayan ruins. Belize is filled with Mayan ruins dating from AD 250 to 1000. You will need to stay in the interior of the country and do some hiking to find the best places. This can be difficult during the rainy season because of poor road conditions, so you may want to travel during the high, dry season.Go birding or wildlife watching. The interior of the country also has excellent birding, with 570 species of birds. Their large jungles contain iguanas, crocodiles and countless other forms of life. You will also need to take extra precautions in the wet season.Do adventure sports. Wind surfing, hiking, swimming, kayaking and many other outdoor pursuits can help you plan for an active vacation on the coast or further inland.