Traveling the world as an introvert might seem impossible, but in fact, introverts often make the best travelers. If you want to travel the world as an introvert, your best bet is to go it alone and take your time. Think about the kind of travel experience you want – are you interested in bustling cities or in an outdoor retreat? Meditate on your experiences and use a journal or blog to consolidate your thoughts and feelings. Look for opportunities to meet others when you want to, but don’t feel bad about not wanting to socialize.

StepsMethod 1Method 1 of 5:Choosing Where to Go

1Identify what sort of travel experience you want to have. Introverts are not a monolithic community. Some introverts enjoy socializing for several hours a day, while others prefer far less socialization. Some don’t mind crowds, while others would feel uncomfortable packed onto a subway tram like a sardine in a tin can. Be realistic with yourself and think about what sort of travel experience you want. If you want to avoid a lot of hustle and bustle, stay clear of big cities. Look instead for travel opportunities that revolve around enjoying natural wonders and the great outdoors.

2Travel to quiet places. When people think about traveling the world, they usually imagine lots of tourist destinations with bustling nightlife and lots of tourists. But as an introvert, you might be more comfortable traveling to more out-of-the-way locations, free of crowds and the noise that accompanies them. For instance, you might want to travel the Andes or the Appalaichan Trail. You might want to enjoy the quietude and natural beauty of a nation like South Africa or New Zealand. Look for nations or sites of historical and cultural significance that are off the beaten path.XAmericans are known as some of the most extroverted people in the world. America might not be the best choice for an introvert, unless you focus on enjoying the country’s parks and nature preserves.Nations with generally more reserved and introverted cultures include the Nordic countries, Japan, Austria, Germany, Slovenia, and Switzerland.X

3Stay at a retreat. There are a variety of retreats, including yoga retreats, Buddhist and Christian monasteries, and other varieties of conscientious living retreats. Search online or use your guidebook to identify retreat opportunities in the areas you’re traveling.XMethod 2Method 2 of 5:Organizing Your Trip

1Travel by yourself. Introverted people tend to desire more alone time than others do. If you travel with others, you’ll constantly be negotiating with them about where to go next and what to see and do. But if you travel alone, you’ll be able to satisfy your desire for minimal levels of communication while maximizing your freedom to go wherever the wind takes you. You might want to travel to internationally renowned sites like:Xthe Great Wall of Chinathe Statue of Libertythe Eiffel Towerthe Grand Canyonthe Appalachian TrailYellowstone National Park

2Travel with others. If you want to travel with a group (your , schoolmates, etc.) be clear and firm about your desires. Remember, you’re introverted, but not shy or lacking in confidence. Ensure that the trip will be enjoyable for you as well as for them.XProvide feedback about the itinerary. Schedule a mix of quiet places and more renowned, busy places.Schedule downtime into your group’s final itinerary so that you have time to relax apart from the others.Ideally, you’ll be able to travel with another group of introverts. That way, you’ll all be of a common mind about what sort of travel experience you want to have.

3Travel slowly. Being an introvert is more than just a mode of socialization – it’s a way of thinking and feeling, too. Traveling the world as an introvert might inspire your to take your time when you travel to a new place. Traveling slowly and enjoying the points between destinations will allow you to satisfy your desire to really get a feel for a place, its people, and its lifeways.XTake your time when traveling by, for instance, taking a more circuitous route instead of the fastest and most direct route.Spend more time in-country to wherever it is you’re traveling.Don’t overschedule your days. Plan on seeing one or two sights in a day, then leaving the rest of your day for spontaneous other adventures, journaling, or lounging about while mulling over what you’ve seen and heard on your travels.X

4Find a way to support yourself. One of the best ways to travel the world as an introvert is to do so while working. Instead of being tied to a job where you have few or no opportunities to travel the world, get a job that enables you to do so. Many people are discouraged from traveling because they believe they will lose out on potential income. Traveling while working, though, guarantees that you have a constant source of income even while traveling.XFor instance, lots of introverts have great success as writers or photographers. Both of these occupations allow you to more or less alone, and in any location you want to. News outlets, advertising departments, and other content producers might be interested in your work.Method 3Method 3 of 5:Interacting With Others

1Use social media. Your family and friends back home will be dying to know all about your travels. Keep them in the loop by posting photos and writing updates about where you’ve been. Be candid in your impressions of your travels. Ask them about back home so that you can stay connected to the people who know you best.XIf you’re not keen on social media, you could always use email or snail mail. Everyone loves getting postcards from exotic places.Staying connected with your core group of friends and family back home can stave off loneliness when you’re out traveling the world.

2Pretend you’re outgoing. Even the most introverted introvert eventually hankers for some conversation. If you get lonely and starved for human contact, you can always “fake it ‘til you make it.” Plus, traveling should be a time to try new things and branch out. You might find that you’re glad you moved out of your comfort zone – even briefly – and chatted up a local or a fellow traveler when you normally might not.XNobody knows you while you’re traveling, so you can pretend to be more outgoing than you are – the people you meet will just chalk it up to you being a weird foreigner if your act doesn’t convince.XWhen dining out, talk to waitstaff about what locals do for fun in the area. Explain that you’re from out of town.Look up local events like concerts and public lectures that might prove good opportunities to meet others.

3Listen to others. When you’re traveling the world, you’re bound to meet all sorts of people no matter how introverted you are. In your hostel or tour group, you’ll meet others like you who have their own interesting adventures behind them. You can easily strike up a conversation that requires little effort on your part by asking these fellow travelers to regale you with their escapades. For example, when you’re settled into your bus to take you from Thailand to Laos, ask the person next to you, “So, how did you like Thailand?” or “What was your favorite thing about Thailand?”XInteracting with people in this way can help you meet your personal quota of socialization for a given period.

4Be yourself. Don’t make a big effort to change yourself or pretend to be outgoing if you really aren’t. You should feel totally comfortable sitting alone on a train or boat, booking a single room, and dining by yourself.XXBe honest when analyzing who you are as a person.Don’t pressure yourself into traveling if you don’t want to.Accept yourself by saying to yourself, “The world is full of many different types of people. My introverted nature is not hurting anyone, so I feel comfortable being myself.”It’s okay to make yourself available for conversation, but know when you’ve had enough interaction for the time being.

5Don’t feel bad about not wanting to socialize. You should never feel guilty just because you are not outgoing. Don’t let anyone make you feel about traveling the world as an introvert. For instance, if someone asks why you’re traveling by yourself, just say, “Well, I’m kind of an introvert.”XIf you meet people who want to do something with you, don’t let social expectations and pressure dictate your response. Instead, be honest – whether that means accepting the invitation or declining it.If you decline an invitation and the person wants to know why you don’t want to hang out, just say, “I’m a bit tired” or “I’d prefer to spend the day alone.”Instead of feeling ashamed or embarrassed for not wanting to socialize, switch your frame so that you feel embarrassed for the person trying so desperately to get you to socialize with them.Some people will have a hard time understanding that you don’t want to socialize. Just stand your ground and don’t let them get to you.XMethod 4Method 4 of 5:Connecting With Others

1Join a tour. Most big cities, museums, and sites of cultural and historical significance offer tours. Tours might give you some inside information that could enrich your experience of a place without forcing you to respond or engage in communication with the other folks on the tour.XConduct careful research on any tour company you contract with to ensure you get the best value for your money.Avoid tours of first-timers and families that might have their kids in tow.If you’re active, you might enjoy a canoe or bicycle tour. These tours often attract other introverts who just want to take advantage of the luggage-porting services the tour company provides.

2Practice speaking the local language. As an introvert, you might be doubly reluctant to engage in speaking a foreign language. If you have a bit of practice before arrive, though, you’ll gain the confidence you need to communicate when practicing with others in foreign language classes or in real-life situations.XGet a detailed dictionary and self-learning language book in order to better understand how to read and write the language. The best books will also come with an MP3 download code or CD so that you can practice hearing and speaking the language. If they don’t, get an audio series that teaches the language and repeat the phrases you hear.There are many online resources to learn the language you’re interested in. For instance, check out DuoLingo or Lang-8, which can help you learn through games, videos, and chat rooms.You probably don’t need to really learn the local language unless you’re planning on staying in a particular country for some time. However, a few crucial phrases like “Where is ___?” and “How much does it cost?” could come in handy.

3Look for others like you. During your conversations with other travelers, you might have the good fortune to chance upon other introverts. If the person on the bus next to you also has their nose tucked into a book and has their noise-canceling headphones on, nudge them gently and ask, “What are you reading?” Strike up a conversation about where they’re headed and explore the possibility of staying in contact with them when you both arrive at wherever it is you’re headed.XIntroverts tend to enjoy learning and educating themselves. Look for classes that are being offered in the area to meet other introverts.XIf you’re in one country for a while, you might be able to meet others through classes in the local language.Sites like are also great for finding people in the area who share your interests.

4Check into a shared lodging arrangement. If you find that you’re tired of being alone for a bit and want some human contact, check into a hostel or an Airbnb house. These arrangements will put you in direct contact with other people who you can connect with to make a few outings and adventures together.XAsk your fellow guests or hosts about local attractions. Ask, for instance, “What can I do for fun around here?” or “What is worth seeing in this area?”You can also talk to your hosts about areas where you can find a great meal. Ask them, “Do you know of any good locations to dine in this area?”If you’re planning an extended stay and need help with the local language, ask motel clerks or heads of households where you’re staying for a few useful phrases and tips.Method 5Method 5 of 5:Finding Time for Yourself

1Wake up early. If you’re traveling with a long-term tour service that takes you through an entire country or region, you might want more unstructured time to yourself than the tour schedule provides. Waking up an hour or so early can help you recover your needed alone time. Use the time to read, write, or reflect on your travels.X

2Invent a project for yourself. If you’re feeling lonely or isolated, look for ways to focus your energy and attention in a positive way. For instance, go out of your way to visit weirdly themed restaurants, or try to take pictures of all the statues you can in a given city. These projects can help you put off creeping feelings of isolation that might crop up on the road.XYou could also make a list of all the restaurants of a given type in the major cities you visit. For instance, maybe you want to visit all the pizza joints in Shanghai, or all the vegan diners in Philadelphia.Alternately, you could aim to journal for at least 20 minutes every night about your experience that day.

3Order room service. If you’re staying in a hotel that offers room service, take advantage of it. You’ll have to pay a bit extra, but in return you’ll get to spend your mealtimes in the privacy of your own room. You can use the time to correspond with friends back home, write in your journal, or update your blog.

4Bring a book. If you’re on a long ride and don’t want to talk to others or look out the window the whole time, a book is a great way to pass the time. Pack a few books and look for places to exchange them for others when you’re done.XMost major cities will have at least a few bookstores with English-language books. Check your guidebook for such stores.You might also have luck looking for books in the common area of the hostel you’re staying at. Many hostels have a community bookshelf where you can trade a book of your own in exchange for another.You can also, of course, read your book at night before bed and when you’re dining out.Remember, when you’re reading, you’re never really alone.

5Pack a pair of headphones. A quality set of noise-canceling headphones is essential for any introvert’s luggage. That way, you won’t have to listen to crying or the irritating music that sometimes gets piped in on long train rides. Plus, when you have your headphones on, the likelihood that anyone will bother you drops dramatically.XIf you’re cramped for space in your luggage, a pair of high-end earbuds will do in a pinch.When used in combination with a book, you’re even less likely to attract people trying to interact with you.

6Enjoy the experience. Extroverts might see travel as unenjoyable or unsuccessful if they haven’t ended their trip with a bunch of friends that they didn’t have before traveling the world. But introverts can see travel for what it really is – and experience and a set of memories that are bigger than themselves. As an introvert, you should stay in the moment and do what you do best by not putting yourself at the center of the action.X