Mexico is a big place. With so much to see and do, the prospect of planning a trip south of the border can be a little intimidating. But don’t let that stop you from going on your dream vacation—by considering your best options for transportation and making a few other simple yet important preparations, you can experience much of what the country has to offer without blowing your budget or getting in over your head.

StepsMethod 1Method 1 of 4:Getting In and Out of Mexico

1Make sure your passport is up-to-date. All international travelers must have a valid passport in order to enter Mexico. Assuming you don’t already have a passport, you can apply for one in person at your nearest Passport Acceptance Facility or a participating post office. If you need to renew your passport and you live in the United States, head to the website of the U.S. State Department to do so.XA special Visitor visa will also be in order if you intend to remain in the country for more than 180 days. You can apply for one of these on the U.S. State Department website, as well.Make copies of important documents like your passport and driver’s license, and be sure to store the copies in a separate location. That way, you’ll have backups on hand if something happens to the originals.X

2Book a flight if you’re coming from outside the country. Unless you’re already in a neighboring part of the world, flying will generally be the easiest way to get to Mexico. Aeromexico, the nation’s biggest airline, runs thousands of international flights per year. Other major airlines like American, Delta, and Southwest also make frequent trips to the southernmost stretch of North America.XThe majority of flights to Mexico land in Mexico City, though a fair number touch down in Guadalajara and Monterrey, as well.Tourism in Mexico hits its peak between late April and December. By scheduling your journey for the early part of the year, you stand to save on flights, accommodations, and other key expenses.X

3Cross the border by car if your starting point is within road trip distance. Assuming you’re not in any particular hurry, it may be more practical for you to drive than fly. Keep in mind that you’ll still need to present your passport to the border security agents at the drive-through checkpoint before you’re given the go-ahead to enter.XTo cut down on the amount of time you spend sitting in backed-up border traffic, apply for a Passport Card online before you hit the road. One of these handy little ID cards will permit you to cruise through swiftly using one of the fast-moving Ready Lanes.XIf you’re a citizen of the U.S., you can access Mexico by car from California, Arizona, New Mexico, or Texas.

4Be prepared to pay duties on select items when you reach customs. Duties are taxes on goods transported between two sovereign states. You’ll be expected to pay duties on certain items, such as tobacco, alcohol, and foodstuffs, if you’re travelling with more than a specified quantity. For more information on duties and how they’re applied, ask a Customs and Border Control agent for a complete list of permissible and prohibited items.XIt’s against the law to bring firearms or ammunition, switchblade knives, controlled substances, or animal products made from endangered species into or out of Mexico.You’ll need to make it a point to declare any gifts or souvenirs you happen to buy in Mexico on your return trip.

Warning: Failure to properly declare key imports and exports, including agricultural goods, could result in fines of up to $1,000.XTrustworthy SourceU.S. Customs and Border ProtectionFederal law enforcement agency responsible for monitoring U.S. borders, facilitating international trade, and upholding customs lawsGo to source

Method 2Method 2 of 4:Navigating a City

1Hop on a bus to commute between busy areas with ease. If you’re looking for a fast, efficient way to get around one of Mexico’s bustling metropolitan centers, such as Monterrey, Puebla, or Tijuana, look no further than the local bus station. Mexico has an exceptional public transportation system, with well-maintained vehicles, a complex network of urban and suburban routes, and affordable ticket prices.XWhen traveling by bus, you’ll be able to choose between three different classes: segunda clase (second class), primera clase (first class), and delujo (deluxe) or ejecutivo (executive). Each class comes with its own scaled pricing plans, level of comfort, and selection of amenities.XGetting from the city to a smaller town or village may require you to take a “chicken bus,” a type of small, inexpensive, and often vibrantly-painted bus that shuttles riders to and from out-of-the-way locations.

2Flag down a taxi to get to your next stop on the spur of the moment. Mexican street cabs are recognizable by their signature pink and white paint jobs. Their ready availability and low cost make them a useful means of conveyance if you’re in a rush or just don’t want to bother memorizing a bus schedule. Fares can vary depending on traffic, time of day, and distance covered, but tend to hover at around 10-15 MXN ($0.42-0.62 USD) per kilometer.XEnterprising criminals have been known to impersonate cab drivers in order to isolate and rob unsuspecting travelers. To confirm that a given taxi is legitimate, check to see that the letters “A” or “B” precede the numbers stamped on the license plate, and that the plate number matches the number painted on the body of the vehicle.

Tip: Uber and other app-based ride services like Taxi Ranks and Taximex also operate in most big cities. These can make a convenient, secure alternative to street cabs if you’re okay with paying a little extra.X

3Buy or rent a bicycle to avoid frustrating gridlock. More and more Mexican municipalities have begun adding bike lanes in recent years. This is a good thing to know if you want to be able to move about freely with speed but don’t want to have to be reliant on buses or taxis. Since bikes are compact and maneuverable, they’ll allow you to bypass the innumerable traffic jams, holdups, and accidents characteristic of Mexico’s densely populated cities.XIf possible, outfit yourself with a bike that’s capable of holding up to rough terrain. Rugged tires, a sturdy suspension, and a wide gear range are all highly recommended.XMexican roadways can be unpredictable, to say the least. Stay alert, use appropriate hand signals, and watch out for other commuters—there’s no guarantee that they’ll be watching out for you.

4Travel on foot to take in more of your surroundings. No matter where you are, of course, you always have the option of walking. Not only will walking provide you with a welcome opportunity to slow down and fully appreciate the unique sights and sounds of your current locale, it will also ensure that you’re getting your exercise for the day.XWalking is without a doubt the best way to explore historic sites and charming colonial villages with hidden attractions that lie off the beaten path.If you’re the adventurous type and you’re in the mood for a bit of a challenge, try tackling one of the country’s premiere hikes, like Copper Canyon in Chihuahua, the Los Tuxtlas Biosphere Reserve in Veracruz, or Paso de Cortes, which snakes between a pair of semi-active volcanoes just outside of Mexico City.XMethod 3Method 3 of 4:Going to Other Cities

1Take advantage of cheap domestic flights to bridge large distances. Smaller carriers like Interjet or VivaAerobus operate their own routes between major cities, including many of the most popular tourist hubs. An in-country flight will deliver you to your next destination in far less time than it would take to get there by car or bus.XStart comparing flights a month or two ahead of your departure date to improve your chances of scoring a seat.Domestic flights within Mexico tend to inexpensive. Depending on when you book, for example, a one-way ride from Oaxaca to Cancún will only cost you around $100.

2Travel by train for a scenic tour of the Mexican countryside. There are only three rail companies left in Mexico that cater to private passengers, the most popular of which are Chihuahua’s Copper Canyon Railway and the Tequila Express in Guadalajara. Both offer a breathtaking view of the barren yet majestic desert landscapes spread out over the country’s Northeastern corner.XThe alcoholic beverage-themed Tequila Express and its partner , the José Cuervo Express, include stops at the historic distilleries La Hacienda de San José del Refugio and the José Cuervo headquarters in La Rojeña.If booze isn’t your thing, you can also make use of the lone suburban railway that runs on the outskirts of Mexico City.

3Take a ferry to reach must-see offshore spots. A number of large passenger services make regular crossings of the Gulf of California between Baja California Sur, a narrow peninsula jutting out from the southern tip of Baja California, and the Mexican mainland. On the mainland side, there are ports in Guaymas, Topolobampo, and Mazatlan. Most voyages disembark at either Santa Rosalía or La Paz.XBear in mind that the shortest ferry ride you can take is around 6 hours long, so this may not be your best bet if you’re pressed for time or looking for a quick, leisurely trip.Go online for more info on routes, departure times, and fares, which have a tendency to change frequently.X

4Rent a car if you want to see the country on your own timetable. In most of the more populous parts of Mexico, it costs an average of around $50 per day to reserve a vehicle for your own use. This may seem steep to some, but along with that price comes the freedom to go where you want when you want.XTo be able to cruise the highways and byways of Mexico legally, you must be at least 23 years of age and have a valid driver’s license, with an International Driver’s Permit attached.XAlthough traffic in Mexico flows in the righthand lane and is regulated by red lights, stop signs, and other safety measures, it’s not uncommon for locals to break the rules of the road as they please. Be attentive and ready to react quickly in case the unexpected happens.

Warning: Traveling by car in Mexico is not without its risks. Along with poor road conditions, reckless drivers, and potentially confusing street layouts, there is also a very real danger of encountering violent thieves and bandits, especially when driving at night.X

Method 4Method 4 of 4:Traveling Smart

1Pack appropriately for where you’re going. Reserve the bulk of your luggage space for lightweight, breathable, or short-sleeved items, and throw in a jacket or sweater so you’ll be prepared for chilly mornings and evenings. Sandals will serve you well for coastal getaways, but bring along a comfortable pair of sneakers or boots, too. You’ll probably be doing a fair bit of walking no matter where you stay.XIf you’re headed off for a sunny beach holiday, don’t forget to make room for at least one swimsuit, some type of cover-up, a bottle of sunscreen, a couple towels, and a trusty set of shades.Generally speaking, the weather in Mexico is warm and hospitable, though higher elevations can be much cooler, even reaching freezing temperatures in the winter months.X

2Budget for your preferred travel style. You may have no trouble at all getting by on $50 a day if you’re content to make do with modest accommodations, eat cheap, and stick to less touristy areas. If you like to enjoy the finer things in and insist on being surrounded with modern luxuries, however, that amount may climb to $100-300 daily or above.XConsider opening a separate savings account to designate as a travel fund. This will enable you to start growing your money little by little and give you a bit of a financial cushion once you’re ready to set out.XPrices typically drop across the board the further you get from popular coastal destinations like Cancún and Playa del Carmen.

3Exchange your native currency for pesos. As soon as you arrive, stop at a bank or ATM. There, you can trade in the money you’re currently carrying for an equivalent amount of pesos, which are the official currency of Mexico. One peso is worth about $0.05 USD, or €0.046. Banknotes come in denominations of 20, 50, 100, 200, 500, and 1,000, and each paper peso is made of up 100 individual centavos, or cents, which come in minted coins similar to small change in the U.S.XAlternatively, stop by your home bank before you depart and see if they offer reduced-rate conversion. If so, you may end up with a little bit more spending money than you would have had otherwise.You may be able to use American dollars to pay for goods and services in certain parts of Mexico, but they’re not accepted everywhere. It’s therefore prudent to swap out at least a portion of your travel cash if you’re coming from the U.S.X

4Secure lodging at each of your stops in advance. Before you leave a particular area, call ahead to your next destination and book a room somewhere. Not only will this give you some peace of mind and let you more fully enjoy each item on your itinerary, it will also prevent you from having to scramble to come up with a plan B because everything around you is already booked.XYou have a wide range of housing options available to you, from deluxe resorts and repurposed haciendas to modest boutique hotels and charming bed-and-breakfast inns.XThere’s no shortage of places to stay in Mexico, so chances are good that you’ll be able to find an establishment that suits your needs and budget wherever you are, as long as you’re proactive about it.

5Hostel-hop to save money on your accommodations. On average, a one-night stay at a Mexican hostel will run you 125-193 MXN ($6.50-15 USD), or around 400-578 MXN ($20-30 USD) if you want a private room. While most hostels offer little more than a bunk in a communal dorm, they could be the way to go if you don’t think you’ll be spending much time cooped up anyway.XIf you opt for hostels over hotels, be sure to watch your valuables. Ideally, you’ll want to keep your passport, ID, and traveling money on your person at all times.

6Exercise good judgment to stay safe in sketchy areas. Despite what the media may have you believe, it’s not overly dangerous to come and go throughout most of the country. That said, violent crime is an unfortunate reality in Mexico. For your own protection, stick to well-lit, public areas where lots of people congregate and avoid going out after dark as much as possible. It’s also a good idea to lock the door to your room once you’re in for the night.XPickpocketing, purse snatching, and other forms of petty theft are common in Mexico, particularly in the more crowded places. Keep your wits about you and be wary of anyone who looks suspicious or seems a little too eager to be your friend.The U.S. State Department website contains a list of Mexican states that are considered unsafe for both travelers and locals alike.X

Tip: A quality travel insurance package can safeguard you and your belongings in the event of an accident or misadventure.