The perks of a winter honeymoon are almost endless: there are generally fewer crowds, lower prices, and, let’s not forget, it’s not cold everywhere! March to the beat of your own drum and schedule this momentous event in November through February and watch your wintery dreams come true.

StepsMethod 1Method 1 of 3:Choosing Your Destination

1Choose somewhere cozy and cold. If you crave an exciting and busy seasonal trip, choose a skiing destination like Jackson Hole, or Park City, Utah. In remote parts of Montana and Wyoming, there are resorts that cater specifically to winter crowds with snowmobiling, ice fishing, and hot tubs made for romantic unwinding. The West Coast also provides an array of sightseeing and exploring, at an off-season reduced cost.If you prefer a romantic and secluded winter getaway, look to the East Coast, where traditional beach tourism will be minimal, but cozy accommodations will be many. Check into the North Carolina Outer Banks, where shelling and wildlife will be excellent, and crowds nonexistent. Visiting an Eastern beach is an excellent choice for having a local honeymoon, as many touristy venues will be closed. You will get to experience in the off season, with days strolling the beach and nights with home cooked meals by the fire.Let’s not forget the appeal of a wintery European adventure. Ski the Alps in Switzerland or gaze upon Buckingham Palace in the lightly falling snow. The climate varies widely in Europe – coastal areas will be warmer, while inland, more mountainous areas will provide the winter you’re looking for (just make sure everything is still open!).X

2Choose to find somewhere that’s still warm. Elsewhere around the world, your options are many. In equatorial locations like the Bahamas, Puerto Rico, or elsewhere in the Caribbean, the season extends throughout most of the year, and is not impacted by our traditional concept of a 4-season year. In the Southern Hemisphere, summer will be in full swing, and you will have many of the same options as a summer honeymoon in the Northern Hemisphere to choose from.And for some of these places, even though the weather is the same, it’s still the off-season for tourists. You could have the great weather and not have to deal with the crowds. A true win-win.Make sure it’s not the rainy season instead. You don’t want to trade the snowbanks of home for riverbanks encroaching upon your hotel.

3Go somewhere more isolated or off the grid. Mid-continental locations like Calgary, Alberta, or small Midwestern towns like Hermann, Missouri can give you a wide range of wonderful options as well. Calgary, for instance, combines excellent big city thrills with nearby wonderlands such as Banff and Lake Louise. Hermann, known for being a quaint German town that still clings to Alpine culture, will give you a European trip without leaving the US.Picture your winter honeymoon, nestled away in a warm log cabin, where only the birds can bear witness of your love. You’ll be cuddled up in each others’ arms, amid a crackling fire, sipping on hot cider, where love can grow and bloom to its fullest potential. Where passion can ignite without boundaries or borders. Where intensity knows no bounds. Life’s depth, begins in this moment.

4Go somewhere with a summer tourist season. Planning a winter honeymoon doesn’t have to be boring! In fact, winter is one of the best times to plan a honeymoon in the Northern Hemisphere because it is the off season for tourism, which means that you will pay less money for many of the same attractions, and will face less difficulty in booking. There will be fewer crowds, cheaper prices, and still plenty of things to do.Regardless of what appeals most to you, ultimately the most important part of any good honeymoon is your companion on the journey. Whatever you plan, it will take a backseat to the memories you’ll be making with your new spouse.

5Keep weather (and weather delays) in mind. Before you get attached to anywhere, check out the weather first for your ideal dates. If it’s monsoon season or the middle of a blizzard, you may want to go with your plan B. Either that or change the dates you were considering – a honeymoon doesn’t have to be at any specific time.If you plan to travel a distance, plan for the possibility of inclement weather. Allow yourself some leeway should anything happen. If you find yourself with a very tight itinerary, you increase your risk of losing money if your flight is delayed.Method 2Method 2 of 3:Planning Your Stay

1Determine your budget. Look for ways to save money on the wedding and aim for a honeymoon that you can afford. This will not be your only vacation with your new spouse and you should never go into debt to pay for it – if you do, it’ll just wind up being stressful. There are many options for cheaper honeymoons that will have just as many positive memories as expensive honeymoons without damaging your finances.Always plan on spending more money than you think you will need. Little costs add up, especially if you are in a tourist destination. If you think you will spend a thousand dollars, be open to the fact that it could be closer to twice that, depending on your location and how frugal your plans are.

2Do research and then book your lodging. Do you want to stay in a hotel? A log cabin? A bed and breakfast? A cabin or a small bed and breakfast can be a quiet retreat with few other guests that give your trip a more intimate feel. However, a fancy hotel can make you feel like a red-carpet star. What are you and your partner’s preferences?Once you know what you and your partner would like, make sure to research your options well. Do the places you’re considering have good reviews? Do they fit your budget? Are they available for the dates needed? Are there restaurants and things to do nearby? Location is very important, too.Honeymoon suites are often the most expensive, but don’t often offer amenities very different from standard or deluxe rooms (unless you can manage a free upgrade, then they’re definitely worth it). While it’s understandable to want to broadcast your new marriage, go in with the understanding that you will be spending a lot of time outside of the room and do not need to bust your budget on lodging. Ask about the honeymoon suite, but if it’s outlandish, know that your trip will still be amazing – after all, it’s about you two, not where you stay.

3Shop around for cheap transportation. Do you want to fly to your destination? Take the train? Drive? A train ride to your destination might give you a change of mood that is also cheaper and often more reliable than flying. However, distance generally determines everything. What’s feasible for your situation?If you do need to fly, do plenty of comparison shopping and book your flights about 2 months in advance, early in the week, and not during prime business hours. Research shows this time will generally secure you the cheapest flight.X

4Plan activities. Once all of the excitement from the wedding quiets down, your first couple of nights will likely be spent sleeping (or doing other things in the bedroom). But beyond that, you’ll want an itinerary prepared with a few memories. Don’t overpack it, but do find a nice restaurant, a museum to check out, an artsy side of town, or something up your alley to make the most of your time there.See what free events will be happening while you are there and plan around them. Many times these community events, especially if you’re somewhere foreign, will be the most memorable. Also, you’ll experience things off the beaten path and it’s free, so there’s nothing to lose.Method 3Method 3 of 3:Covering the Logistics

1Make legal preparations if you are traveling out of the country. It can take as long as 6 months to get your passport. If you don’t already have one, apply now. You can buy a passport photo at most photo stores and apply for a passport at your local post office or courthouse.For certain countries, you’ll need a tourist visa, too. Do your research online about whether citizens of your country need visas to go to your destination. It depends on where you’re coming from, too.

2Get vaccinated, if necessary. Getting sick overseas can be costly and very stressful. Lower your risk of spending your time sick in bed by getting your travel vaccinations. There are essentially zero health risks to being vaccinated and it’s a very cheap way to protect yourself.You should get vaccinated at least 2-3 months before you leave for your trip. Last minute vaccines will not be very effective for preparing you for your stay. If you’re not sure whether you need vaccinations are not, the CDC’s website has recommendations based on the type of traveler you are and where you plan to travel.X

3Pack for the weather. If you’re going somewhere chilly and your body isn’t used to a colder climate, be sure to bring plenty of layers. You’ll want socks, gloves, a thick coat, a sweater, the whole nine yards. You researched the weather, right? What’s it like?You may want to bring a few “just in case” pieces. If there’s a legitimate chance it could rain, bring an umbrella or a raincoat. A couple pairs of shoes, tennis shoes included, is good, too. You never know when you may wind up going on a spontaneous romantic hike.

4Leave room for a few souvenirs. In general, it’s good to not load up on cheap souvenirs. As cute as many of the “Just Married” trinkets can be wherever you go, keep in mind that you will put out very few or none of these things in the future. That money is better put to having a nice dinner or doing an activity you won’t have the opportunity to try for some time. That being said, you’ll probably want a couple of things to remember your trip by, so leave a bit of room in your pack just in case.Postcards are a good, small trinket to take back (useful, too). You may also want some food items or other, more practical things to take back with you. And don’t forget gifts for mom and dad!

5Buy your honey a honeymoon-themed gift for the trip. In order to build the excitement for the trip even more, have a gift with you to make the vacation extra special. It could be something warm for them to wear on the mountainside or something teeny-tiny for them to wear in the bedroom. Whatever it is, you’ll remember it from your honeymoon and it will have that special place in your heart for years to come.Surprising them on the train or plane is great, but you may also want to hold off until you get to the hotel. Another good idea is to plan a “secret activity” they don’t know about. Then when they say, “I didn’t bring my suit!” or “I have nothing to wear,” surprise. You came prepared. Let the memories commence!