A honeymoon is a fun, exciting time for you and your partner. You are beginning your together and engaging on a trip to celebrate. However, if being socially conscious is important to you, there are some things you should do to assure your honeymoon matches your values. When establishing the basics, talk to eco-tourist travel agencies and make sure to book green hotels and plan activities like camping. As for transportation, take a train or bus if possible. You should also use public transportation. When enjoying your destination, make sure to respect local laws and customs.

StepsPart 1Part 1 of 3:Establishing the Basics for Your Trip

1Opt for a honeymoon registry. A wedding registry can result in you getting a lot of material goods that you do not need. This can lead to waste. To start being socially conscious on your honeymoon, begin when planning your wedding. Have a honeymoon registry in place instead. You can request donations for your trip or items you will actually use.XYou can use websites, such as Honeyfund and Buy Our Honeymoon, to take donations. Let guests know you would prefer this over physical gifts.If you have a gift registration, try requesting gifts you will actually use on your honeymoon. For example, ask for things like cameras and hiking boots. This way, items you receive will not go to waste.

2Meet with an eco-tourist travel agency. While travel agencies are somewhat dated, eco-tourist travel agencies are a version of travel agencies that are still around. An eco-tourist travel agent can help you and your partner plan a trip that minimizes your carbon footprint.If you can’t find an agent in your area, use one online. With things like video chatting, it’s easy to plan a trip using an agent through the internet.Let the agent know the specific ways you want to be socially conscious. In addition to minimizing harm to the environment, talk about how to respect local cultures and support local businesses as well.

3Think about honeymooning somewhere locally. Giving back to your own community is very socially conscious. Also, if you don’t travel very far, you will not use up as much fossil fuel. As an added bonus, a local honeymoon can save you money.XThink about what you enjoy around your town, but often do not have time for. Maybe you never take advantage of local hiking trails, for example. Honeymooning at home can give you this opportunity.You do not have to stay in your home for a honeymoon, however. If you want to feel like you’re truly vacationing, stay at a local hotel. This will support local businesses in your community as you give yourself a treat.

4Look into options like camping. If you’re the outdoors type, camping can be a great way to have a socially conscious honeymoon. You will not have to spend money and resources on a hotel and can enjoy the great outdoors.XSee if you live near any national parks and check camping regulations. You and your partner could go on a camping trip through a park and enjoy long hikes each day.When choosing camping supplies, always read the materials list. Make sure you’re not buying supplies made with heavy use of plastic or chemicals.

5Book the right places. Where you choose to stay matters when it comes to being socially conscious. Make sure you pick hotels and other places to stay that are committed to social awareness.XSupport local businesses whenever possible. Instead of staying in a chain hotel, for example, look for a local bed and breakfast.If you do end up going the hotel route, check to make sure the hotel is environmentally friendly. Websites like treehugger.com and greenhotels.com provide guidance on choosing green hotels in a variety of locations.Part 2Part 2 of 3:Choosing Eco-Friendly Transportation Options

1Travel by train or bus. Airplanes have a huge impact on the environment. If you want to travel in a way that minimizes your carbon footprint, opt for transportation such as trains and busses. A long train ride with your partner can feel romantic and cozy, as opposed to the stress of an airport and flight.X

2Use public transportation whenever possible. When you’re at your destination, look into local public transportation options. This will help you reduce your carbon footprint while you’re traveling.XCheck out things like bus routes and subway routes.If an area is pedestrian friendly, walk whenever you can. You may enjoy getting a few miles of walking in each day, and this can help keep you fit while on vacation.

3Rent a bike instead of a car. If you end up flying somewhere, ask yourself whether you really need a car. Many big cities are easy to navigate biking. If you, say, spend your honeymoon in Paris, try renting a couple of bikes to tour the city. This is cheaper than renting a car or taking taxis.XMake sure you practice basic safety with bikes. Read up on the rules for biking in the street in your destination and always wear a helmet.

4Look for routes that minimize your carbon footprint. Always be on the lookout for routes that do not require a lot of carbon energy. For example, see if you can take a shuttle or train from your airport instead of getting a cab. If a destination is reasonable walking distance, walk instead of getting on the bus. A few small tweaks here and there can minimize your reliance on fossil fuels during your trip.XPart 3Part 3 of 3:Entertaining Yourself in a Socially Conscious Way

1Use eco-friendly products during activities. You should always make sure the products you use are eco-friendly. Look for sustainable, organic materials whenever possible.XBring environmentally friendly products with you. For example, bring eco-friendly sunscreen, soap, clothing, and so on.If you need to purchase something on your trip, watch where you shop. Look for free trade stores that sell locally made organic products.

2Opt for wind and people powered activities. Avoid activities that contribute to carbon emissions. Stick to things that are powered by wind or people. You can try things like sailing, snorkeling, or paddle boarding.XYou can also enjoy the outdoors by doing things like hiking and stargazing.Instead of taking a cab for public transportation, try taking a bike taxi around the city.Opt for walking tours over bus tours.

3Be respectful of local customs and laws. Be conscious of your culture when you’re traveling. You do not want to offend those who live in the areas you’re visiting. Read up on local customs and laws before embarking on your trip.XRead about local culture ahead of time. Google the area you’re visiting as well as words like “customs and culture.”This is especially important if you’re traveling to another country. It may be considered rude or odd to hug people in some places and certain items of clothing may be offensive.

4Eat locally. Whenever possible, support the community you’re visiting. Stop by local farmer’s markets and independent grocery stores. Eat at locally owned restaurants instead of chains. Not only will this support the local culture, you’ll be able to try a variety of new cuisines.X