You’ve finally booked your long-overdue dream vacation—a relaxing cruise somewhere exotic. Now it’s time to start getting your things together. Packing for a cruise is a lot like packing for any other trip, however, it’s worth familiarizing yourself with the ship’s dress code and being prepared for any specific activities you plan on doing since your stops will be limited and infrequent. To make sure you have everything you need, you’ll want to start with a checklist of essential items, think about your destination and the length of your trip and take care getting everything loaded up efficiently.

StepsPart 1Part 1 of 3:Getting Organized

1Check the regulations listed by your cruise . Before you even unzip your suitcase, you should be clear on what is and isn’t permitted on your cruise ship. Review the website or informational packet supplied by the company you booked your trip with. Pay particular attention to sections that outline what types of items you should pack, along with what is recommended for you to enjoy your getaway. Every cruise line will be a little different, so seeing the do’s and don’ts laid out in black and white can give you a leg up prior to departure.Most companies have a separate page on their websites outlining essential items you’ll want to have with you on a cruise.

2Make a list of things to pack. Compile a list of everything you know you’ll need on your cruise. This will obviously include a few changes of clothes for various situations, sleepwear, and basic hygiene products, but you might also want to take along a camera, beach supplies, alcohol or your laptop or tablet. Take care not to forget anything major.[1]XResearch sourceMake sure each item has been safely put away in your bag before checking it off the list.Start making your list early to give yourself time to remember things right up to the moment you leave.Many cruise companies allow passengers to carry on a small amount of alcohol. Check out the rules and regulations of the cruise line you booked your trip with to see what types and quantities they approve.[2]XResearch sourceAdvertisement

3Lay everything out beforehand. Rather than hunting down each item individually as you go over your list, get it all out and neatly arranged in one place. After that, you can focus on finding a place for everything. Only set out what corresponds directly to an entry on the list. This will make packing much faster once you determine what goes and what stays.[3]XResearch sourceGathering all your belongings at once will also give you a handy visual layout, making it easier to spot anything that’s missing.

4Plan out your wardrobe. Think about the length of the trip you’re taking and prepare accordingly when packing clothes. It’s worth remembering that there are different dress expectations for different areas of the ship, so don’t exclusively load up on lounge wear or fancier selections. Be sure that you have something to wear every day, and bring enough clean garments that you won’t be left in the lurch if something gets dirty.[4]XResearch sourceYou won’t need a fresh outfit every single day. Grab a handful of tops, bottoms and accessories, then mix and match different combinations.[5]XResearch sourceMost people make the mistake of over-packing clothing. This just makes finding room in your bags and toting them around more complicated.

5Take a separate carry-on bag. Stash whatever you need to have on hand in a small bag that you can carry with you when you board. Your travel documentation, including your passport, visas and ID, will need to go in this bag, along with other official paperwork like a copy of your ticket. As with a flight, larger pieces of luggage will usually be checked below deck until the cruise ship departs, so you won’t be able to get to your main bags until you’ve reached open water.[6]XResearch sourceSlip a mobile device, book or magazine into your carry-on so you’ll have something to do during slower moments.[7]XResearch sourceMore compact items can also go into your carry-on rather than in your primary luggage.AdvertisementPart 2Part 2 of 3:Packing Appropriately

1Consider the destination of your cruise. Not every cruise will have the same packing requirements. Take into account what the climate is like where you’ll be going. If it’s a Caribbean tour, for instance, you’ll want to have at least one swimsuit, along with other warm-weather accessories like shorts, tank tops and sandals. For longer trips, these items might comprise as much as half the clothing you pack.[8]XResearch sourceInclude a pair of khakis or skirt and collared shirt or blouse for places where short sleeves aren’t acceptable.

2Pack a swimsuit. Even if you’re not making stops in Oahu or the Bahamas, you’ll want to plan on throwing in a pair of swim trunks or a bikini. Many cruises feature temperature-controlled pools, hot tubs and steam rooms among the amenities they offer. To take advantage of these amenities, you’ll need the proper swimwear.[9]XResearch sourceIf you get away without a swimsuit, your only option will to be to purchase one from one of the ship’s gift shops, which are often steeply overpriced.Lather up with sunscreen and put on your sunglasses to protect yourself while you swim or tan.

3Don’t forget a jacket. Toss a jacket into your luggage or carry-on in case you get chilly above deck or at port. Travelers headed to frigid locations like Alaska or Iceland should gear up with a warm, heavy coat (wear this one onto the ship to save room). Beachgoers should also make room in their suitcases for a hoodie or cardigan for those windy nights.[10]XResearch sourceOne helpful guideline is to dress in layers, regardless of where you’re headed. That way, you’ll be able to put on and take off clothing as you see fit. You should, of course, choose bulkier layers for cold-weather cruises.For cold-weather cruises, take a hat and scarf and slip a pair of gloves into the pockets of your coat.

4Throw in some nicer clothes. Unless you plan on hitting the buffet for every meal throughout your trip, class up your wardrobe with a set of formal or resort casual attire. Gentlemen can wear a polo or button down shirt with a dinner jacket and slacks; ladies should pack a skirt, evening gown or party dress. In some instances, certain restaurants and clubs adhere to strict dress codes. It would be a shame to miss out on these soirees because you’re not dressed properly.[11]XResearch sourceYou don’t have to get as fancy as a tuxedo or gown. As long as you look tasteful and presentable, most places will admit you. Lavish clothes will help you stand out among your fellow travelers, though, and can make for good photo opportunities.If you expect to go out for an expensive dinner or visit places with a more conservative atmosphere once you reach port, take along more than one ensemble.

5Leave prohibited items at home. Cruise lines are very clear about what they don’t want you to bring aboard the ship. Leave behind dangerous items like weapons, illegal drugs, sharp objects, candles and other flammable objects, along with anything that could interfere with the operation of the ship. These will usually get disposed of at the security checkpoints if they’re discovered in your luggage, so there’s a risk of losing your belongings if you don’t do your homework. Save yourself the trouble later on and only pack what you need.[12]XResearch sourceRefer back to the packing recommendations provided by your cruise line to learn what sort of things are not allowed on the ship.If you’re unsure whether or not you should take a particular item with you, it might be safest not to include it in your luggage.AdvertisementPart 3Part 3 of 3:Maximizing Space in Your Luggage

1Make sure you have a big enough suitcase. Now is the time to examine your valise or duffel bag and see if it meets your spatial demands. For a short weekend jaunt, you might not need much more than a rucksack, provided you’re a light packer. If you’re going to be gone for a week or longer, however, go with a travel suitcase or even an old-fashioned steamer trunk.[13]XResearch sourceYou should have your travel bags picked out and ready to go long before you begin packing.Be careful not to cram your suitcase so full of stuff that it’s hard to lug around.

2Only take what you can’t go without. Be prepared to leave non-essential items behind.[14]XExpert Source
Angela RiceLuxury Travel SpecialistExpert Interview. 18 September 2020. You’re not moving in—packing a different outfit for every day or half a dozen pairs of shoes is unnecessary. After you get together everything you’d like to pack, pare it down to whatever will fit comfortably in your suitcase, and leave room for an item or two you’ll inevitably forget until the last minute.[15]XResearch sourceYour cruise ship will be able to supply soap, shampoo, toothpaste and other toiletries, so if you’re concerned about your luggage capacity, these can be left behind.

3Fold your clothes. Yes, it’s a hassle, but neatly folding and arranging your clothing items will be a big help when it comes to freeing up space. Place the bulkiest apparel, like trousers and sweaters, on the bottom of the suitcase and stack smaller, lighter garments (socks, underwear, etc.) on top. Clumsily shoving everything into the corners of your suitcase is a good way to run out of room fast.[16]XResearch sourceYou can also try rolling things like t-shirts and shorts to get them down to a smaller surface area. Fair warning, though—this method doesn’t well for all types of clothing and is prone to causing creasing.[17]XResearch sourceHang clothing that you want to keep clean and wrinkle-free.

4Use your storage pockets. The zipper pockets on your luggage are there for a reason. Store smaller essentials, like your toiletries, paper goods and phone charger, in these slots where they won’t take up space on the inside of your suitcase. That leaves the biggest section open for the biggest belongings.[18]XResearch sourceMaking use of the pockets also keeps you from having to unzip and dig through your suitcase every time you need to retrieve a smaller item.Secure your travel papers, electronic accessories and other valuable goods in the pockets of your luggage. It’s much safer than carrying them on your person.Advertisement