The Great Barrier Reef, located in Queensland, Australia, ranges over 1,430 miles (2,300 km) long, making it the largest coral reef system in the world. As one of the Seven Natural Wonders of the world, the Great Barrier Reef attracts over 1.5 million visitors each year.X If you prepare well, plan properly, and know how to act when you get there, visiting the Great Barrier Reef can be one of the most exciting and memorable things you ever do.

StepsPart 1Part 1 of 3:Preparing for the Trip

1Travel in early June to late October. This is the best time of year to visit the Great Barrier Reef. The weather is mild during this time of year, which increases visibility of the reef. With temperatures hovering from 60 °F (16 °C) to 85 °F (29 °C), these are the peak months for tourism. XAvoid visiting from December until March. This is Queensland’s wet season, and the excessive rainfall during these months results in decreased visibility.X

2Book your hotel for the dates you plan to visit. You may want to stay at an all-inclusive resort, or one that is closer to the coast. Call different hotels before you make a reservation to find one that offers the specific amenities you’re looking for.You’ll probably want to stay in Cairns during your visit, which is the tourist hub of Queensland and is much cheaper than staying on the island itself.XIf you plan on booking a multi-day trip on a liveaboard, plan your excursions before booking a hotel to ensure you don’t pay for nights you don’t need.Accommodations fill up fast, so consider booking your hotel at least 3 months in advance.

3Purchase your plane tickets ahead of time. Airfare is cheaper when purchased 3 weeks to 6 months before the trip.X Consider planning your trip early to save money on plane tickets.Most tourists fly into Cairns National Airport (CNS). If you’re flying directly to one of the islands on the reef, you’ll probably fly to the Great Barrier Reef Airport (HTI) on Hamilton Island.X

4Arrange transportation for the duration of your trip. You will need a way to get to the hotel and to your excursions while you’re in Queensland.Use a car rental agency if you want access to a personal vehicle during your stay. A number of car rental agencies are located in the airport, and you can rent directly from them before or after you arrive.Use the Queensland Rail to save money. Check prices, schedules, and maps on their website to determine which pass you need. Their website is located at a taxi for more convenience. Taxis are expensive, but they will get you where you need to go with little hassle.Many businesses provide free transportation if you book an excursion with them. When making reservations for excursions, ask if transportation is included in the cost.XPart 2Part 2 of 3:Planning Your Excursions

1Make a day trip to see the reef. Most of the reef is at least 10 miles (16 km) from the shore, so you’ll need to arrange a way to get out to sea.X Most coastal centers take day-trip visitors to the reef on high-speed catamarans that dock on platforms at sea. From there, visitors can snorkel, dive, and explore the reef at their leisure.Day trips can take anywhere from one to several hours.XCall the coastal centers near the hotel you’ll be staying at and make a day trip reservation before you arrive.Ask your hotel concierge for suggestions on the best local places to book your day trip.

2Reserve a liveaboard for a multi-day trip at sea. If you want to experience clearer water and less traffic, consider taking a liveaboard trip. These boats take tourists to more remote areas of the reef, but are not a good option for those who easily get seasick. Call the hotel you are staying at and ask for suggestions on good, reputable liveaboard trips nearby.LiveAboard trips can range anywhere from 3 to 14 days, and should be booked at least a month in advance to be safe.XWhile liveaboard trips are mostly sought out by scuba divers, some trips are more tailored to snorkeling and swimming. Call around and confirm the details of the liveaboard excursion before you book it.

3View the reef from above by taking a helicopter tour. Helicopter tours take tourists roughly 500 feet (0.15 km) above the water to get an aerial view of the reef. This is a great way to experience the magnitude of the reef from a different perspective. Ask your hotel concierge for suggestions on reputable helicopter tour guides before making a reservation.Helicopter tours can be anywhere from $250-$1,200 USD per person, depending on the company.XBe sure to book your helicopter tour at least several days in advance.Part 3Part 3 of 3:Treating the Reef Respectfully

1Don’t touch the coral. It’s against the law to remove, damage, collect, or interfere with the coral in any way. Coral is also very sharp and will cut you if you touch it with your bare skin.XWhile most coral is protected by law, tourists are allowed to collect certain species of coral. These are listed on the Zoning Plan, which can be found online or at any local dive shop.X

2Clean up after yourself. Littering is illegal anywhere in the Great Barrier Reef National Park or on surrounding island National Park beaches. Do your part to protect the ecological balance of the reef and pick up trash wherever you see it.Secure all loose articles, such as clothing and towels, when on a moving boat so nothing accidentally falls overboard.Minimize the use of packaging or pre-packaged foods wherever possible.X

3Be considerate when using motorized water vehicles. Over 1.5 people visit the reef each year, and they all want to enjoy their vacation. If you plan to use a motorized water vehicle, be aware of the vehicle’s wake. If there are other people nearby, slow down so the wake does not disturb them.When operating a motorized water vehicle, be mindful of turtles, dolphins, and other marine animals that may be nearby.Avoid boating in shallow water, as you could accidentally scrape and damage the coral or water vehicle.X