Everyone loves free upgrades during trips, and a honeymoon is a perfect excuse to enjoy them. With a little research, some strategic planning, and a willingness to share your newlywed status on-the-go, you’re sure to collect some luxurious upgrades. Just maintain a kind, enthusiastic attitude and get ready for an upgraded honeymoon of a lifetime!

StepsPart 1Part 1 of 3:Researching Upgrade Options

1Sign up for frequent flier miles membership cards. If you have a preferred airline, sign up for its frequent flier miles program as soon as you can, especially if you take a lot of business trips. Frequent flier miles can add up quickly and lead to free tickets and upgrades.Some airlines even allow your friends and to gift you their miles, so encourage them to sign up, too.

2Ask your credit card companies about incentives. Many credit card companies offer reward programs that give you frequent flier miles based on how much you spend. Some credit card programs even offer other travel-friendly perks like free, full-coverage car rental insurance.XTalk with credit card companies before you start planning your wedding and sign-up for incentives as soon as possible. That way, you can use all of your charged wedding expenses to help provide upgrades for your honeymoon!

3Register for hotel, resort, and cruise club cards. Resorts, cruise lines, and hotels value loyalty, so by signing up for hotel club or membership cards, you’re likely to automatically qualify for free nights or better rooms with a certain length of stay. Perks may also include free services, like airport shuttles, along with free or discounted activities.

4Search online for coupons. There are many online travel companies and direct businesses that offer general coupons during booking. Complete a general search based on the destinations you are interested in and be sure to look up specific activities.Be sure to check expiration dates and any fine print on the coupons.Try searches with and without the terms “honeymoon” in them. Some places offer discounts or special incentives for honeymooners, while others increase the price because of high demand.

5Book an “off-season” honeymoon. You’re more likely to get better rates and free upgrades when you book flights and hotels in destinations where it’s considered the “off-season.” Although the timing may not be as popular, visiting Iceland in early spring, Paris in winter, or Hawaii in summer will likely get you some great deals because demand is low.XAnother perk to off-season travel is that you can enjoy destinations in peace and quiet, which makes for especially nice, crowd-free pictures!

6Talk to a travel agent. Although booking a honeymoon yourself is usually the most economical, inquire with a travel agent about honeymoon packages and deals. The travel agency may offer special booking promotions with prices you can’t beat yourself, or the agent may know the best places to honeymoon with the most perks and incentives simply based on prior booking experience.XPart 2Part 2 of 3:Planning Your Honeymoon

1Call to book your flights and hotels. When you make reservations in person over the phone, you have the chance to mention your honeymoon and ask about upgrades. Be friendly with the people that answer and make small talk.XFor example, ask how the person’s day is going, talk about how excited you are for your honeymoon, and share a bit about your plans.Next, tell the person that you want to make your trip special for your spouse and ask if there are any upgrades offered to honeymooners.Sound as kind, excited, and friendly as you can. If you assume you’re eligible or if you sound entitled, you’re likely to be refused.

2Make restaurant reservations in advance. When you decide on the restaurants you’d like to try during your honeymoon, call ahead to make a reservation, even if the restaurant doesn’t take reservations! It’s a good way to introduce your circumstances, ask about perks (like free or customized dessert), or simply request the best table and ask the hostess if she could make a note of it before you arrive.XWhen you request a reservation, add some detail like, “This dinner will be for the first night of your honeymoon! Is there any chance we could get some candlelight at our table and maybe a celebratory dessert? It would make the evening so special.”

3Reserve a compact car. If you need a rental car for your honeymoon, book a compact car and book it early. If you call by phone, you can mention your honeymoon status right away to ask for perks. Compact cars are usually in high demand, so when you arrive at the rental booth for pick up, chances are the company may have to offer you a bigger and better car because all the compacts are taken.XWhen you call for a rental car, try saying something like, “I’d like to reserve a compact car for our honeymoon. I am trying to make every aspect of our honeymoon extra special – do you offer any sort of perks or incentives for special occasions, like honeymoons?”Part 3Part 3 of 3:Upgrading on the Go

1Dress the part. Although you’re officially on vacation, it’s important to dress appropriately and to look presentable. What you wear should be dependent on what upgrades you are hoping for.XFor example, don’t show up in pajamas if you want to qualify for first class seats on the airplane or get ushered into the honeymoon suite at a fancy hotel.

2Act married. People love to see other people happy and in love. If you’re squabbling at dinner, arguing about luggage tags in the airport check-in , or looking generally unimpressed with each other, you’re less likely to catch anyone’s favor for upgrades.Show off your wedded bliss by showing lots of affection to one another, smiling lots, holding hands, and laughing.

3Bring proof. Although it’s not standard for companies to ask for proof of marriage for honeymoon upgrades, it can’t hurt to bring along a copy of your marriage license or certificate, just in case.

4Give up your seat. If you have flexible honeymoon plans, pay attention to “over-sold” announcements at the airport. Airlines will often reward you with free flights and travel vouchers if you’re willing to give up your scheduled seats and wait for the next plane.X

5Mention your honeymoon every chance you get. Some of the best upgrades are available at the last minute. As you start your honeymoon, be sure to mention it whenever you encounter staff and ask what upgrades might be available.When you arrive at the airport, mention your honeymoon at the ticket counter, the check-in counter, and to the on-board stewardess, once you’re seated. If you time your boarding with the pilot crew, you may even be able let them know, too.If you or your partner feel shy about mentioning it all the time, try dressing up in “bride and groom” or honeymoon shirts so that it’s easy for others to notice and hopefully take initiative.X

6Be polite. It’s okay to ask for or suggest upgrades for your honeymoon, but don’t insist, pester, or expect them. Sometimes, it’s just not possible for staff to accommodate upgrade requests, and it’s important to trust that they are doing everything they can to make your experience memorable.Even if you are denied the upgrades you want, be sure to say thank you.

7Bring treats or small thank-you gifts to give away. Gather small items or leftover wedding favors that you can give to flight attendants, hotel staff, cab drivers, and other staff as celebration favors for your honeymoon. The gifts will make them feel included in your celebration and potentially entice them to provide perks and upgrades.Gift ideas include small boxes of chocolates, small scented candles, luxury soaps, or unique spice packs.These small gifts should not be given in lieu of cash tips for restaurant servers, tour guides, taxi cabs, and other ways monetary tips are standard for service.

8Tip the staff. Everyone loves free upgrades, and a honeymoon is a good excuse for them. Most companies are immune from extra costs that accompany upgrades and incentives, but the staff that help facilitate them still have to put forth the extra effort. It’s important to tip the staff that go out of their way to help make your honeymoon special.Flight staff can lose their jobs if they accept tips, so instead of money, bring chocolates or small gifts as a token of your appreciation.