Those who are just starting out as authors may find that the excitement of writing quickly fades. Even seasoned authors may encounter this issue. There are a variety of strategies for making writing more enjoyable, but some take more time than others. This wikiHow will give you some tips on how to improve your enjoyment of writing stories.

StepsMethod 1Method 1 of 9:Create a writing routine.

1It’s critical to have a solid writing practice that includes writing on a regular, consistent basis. This does not imply that you must write every day, but you must write at least once a week.[1]XResearch sourceHaving a creative habit like this is quite beneficial, especially if it becomes second nature to you. You will enjoy writing more as you begin to do it consistently.It will help you get rid of the excuse that you’re “waiting for your inspiration to appear”.AdvertisementMethod 2Method 2 of 9:Try to tune into your writing.

1There are days when the words just won’t come, or you just don’t feel creative, no matter how much you adore writing. Maybe it’s because things are a little chaotic right now. It’s fine if some days aren’t as productive or creative as others, but you should still pay attention to your writing on a daily basis.[2]XResearch sourceMethod 3Method 3 of 9:Keep yourself motivated at all times.

1Use motivational speakers to help you enhance your skills. You may listen to a lot of podcasts and watch videos on YouTube.[3]XResearch sourceFind anything that motivates you to write and begin listening to them. You’ll not only get the motivation you need, but you might also pick up some helpful hints.Keeping yourself motivated to write will help you enjoy the process of writing.AdvertisementMethod 4Method 4 of 9:Become a member of a writer’s group.

1If you join a good writer’s group, you’ll get plenty of advice and constructive criticism to help you find your voice as a writer. This can assist you in taking your writing seriously. Additionally, writing in a group can often be more fun.[4]XResearch sourceOf course, being a part of a group entails participating, attending meetings, creating new content, and assisting other writers with their .This is an excellent approach to hold yourself accountable and ensure that you do not quit writing.Method 5Method 5 of 9:Write exactly what you want to write.

1When deciding on a sort of writing that you truly enjoy, make sure it is something that you honestly enjoy rather than something that simply other people enjoy. You should also select a writing structure that is most comfortable for you so that you do not become bored.[5]XResearch sourceIf you’re not sure what type or genre of writing you enjoy, try a variety of styles until you find one that makes you smile as soon as you sit down to write.AdvertisementMethod 6Method 6 of 9:Reward yourself when you reach your writing goals.

1It’s critical for authors to reward themselves once they’ve met their daily goal. It doesn’t have to be a big reward; it might be as simple as going for a walk in your favorite spot, or simply relaxing, or sitting on the porch swing for a few minutes.[6]XResearch sourceThis technique will enable you to accomplish what you genuinely enjoy and turn it into a rewarding experience.Method 7Method 7 of 9:Put on your favorite tunes.

1Music can put you in the right attitude to write if you’re a writer who enjoys a little music in the background. It may also serve as a source of inspiration for you.[7]XResearch sourceHowever, stay away from other types of music that can obstruct your writing.If you feel distracted while writing while listening to or pop music, for example, try playing classical or piano music.AdvertisementMethod 8Method 8 of 9:Take a few moments to think about what you’re doing before writing.

1Take a few minutes to gaze inside before you begin writing. Simply close your eyes and concentrate on your breathing, or take a few deep breaths. If you’re not sure what works, start experimenting. The goal of centering is to ensure that you leave your troubles behind and focus on your work and that you reach the zone at some point throughout your writing period. This is when writing becomes truly satisfying.[8]XResearch sourceYou’ll be taking measures to enjoy your writing if you try a few of the aforementioned suggestions. And a productive writer who values their work is well on their way to becoming a happy and contented writer.[9]XResearch sourceMethod 9Method 9 of 9:Try writing projects.

1Writing projects can put the fun back in writing. Try writing a prompt, creative writing, or flash fiction.  You can use words to express feelings, make a point, or tell a captivating story to explain a topic or problem. With creative writing, you can easily make writing enjoyable again.Advertisement