The Schengen Agreement, originally created in 1985, abolished internal borders in certain European countries. In other words, it allowed citizens of those countries to move more freely; it also allowed a traveler to get a visa to one country and travel freely throughout the Schengen area. Today, it includes much of Western Europe, minus the United Kingdom and Ireland, and parts of Eastern Europe.

StepsPart 1Part 1 of 3:Planning Your Trip

1Check the visa requirements before booking your trip. Though you book your trip before you apply for a visa, you should check with that country’s consulate before booking. You should make sure you will be able to satisfy all the requirements prior to booking.

2Plan and book your trip before you apply for a visa. You will need to submit information about your trip when you apply. Therefore, go ahead and plan your trip, booking flights and hotels.Advertisement

3Keep documentation. As you plan your trip, keep documentation of your trip. You will need to submit that documentation as proof of where and why you’re traveling to a country in the Schengen area.

4Check the length of your trip. With this visa, you are allowed to be in the Schengen area for up to 3 months, spread out over a 6 month period. Make sure your trip does not exceed this time period.

5Wait to apply. In most countries, you cannot apply earlier than 3 months in advance of your trip. Even if you plan far ahead, you have to wait for the visa application. It’s a good idea to buy travel insurance, just in case your visa does not get approved, and you must cancel your trip.AdvertisementPart 2Part 2 of 3:Taking Initial Steps

1Understand how a Schengen Visa works. You apply for a travel visa as you normally would. However, you do not have to apply for visas for each country, as long as you stay in the Schengen area.

2Find out if you need a Schengen Visa. You only need a Schengen Visa if you are not one of the approved countries. You can use an inquiry tool, such as the one The Netherlands has on their visa website, to see if you need one.For instance, United States citizens do not need a visa to enter this area, as long as they have a blue passport. They can stay up to 3 months. Nonetheless, you should still check the passport requirements for the country you are visiting. For instance, your passport may need to be valid for 6 months out from your date of entry.However, a whole list of countries do not have this benefit, such as Russia, Bahrain, Thailand, Saudi Arabia, Cambodia, Turkey, Yemen, and Zimbabwe.

3Choose the country where you will apply for your visa. The first method you should use is to choose the country where you will spend the most time. So if you’re planning to spend 10 days in Germany and 5 days in France, you’d apply with Germany. If you are staying an equal amount of time in every country, choose the one you’re going to first.

4Check whether your whole trip is in the Schengen area. Though you can leave and come back within the 6 month period, you should check to see if your whole trip falls within the boundaries of the Schengen area. If it does not, you may need to apply for a visa in the other countries you’re visiting.AdvertisementPart 3Part 3 of 3:Applying for the Visa

1Download the application. The Schengen Visa application form is the same in every country. However, you should be able to download it from the government website of the country you are applying for the visa in. Therefore, if you plan to apply in France, you can download it from France’s government website.[1]XResearch source

2Fill in the application. You will need basic biographical information, such as your name, your date of birth, your country of birth, and your current nationality. You will also need passport information, such as the type of passport, the passport number, and the date it was issued.Next, you will provide information about your trip, such as how long you will be in each country, the type of visa you’re applying for, and the reason you are going.You also must give information about where you’re staying, as well as information about how you’re supporting yourself while there. Finally, you must identify your spouse and , as well as identify any members that you are visiting and are dependent on.

3Gather your documents. You will need documents such as your passport, proof of residency, and a passport photo. You’ll also need documents about your trip, such as a copy of your flight schedule and proof that your health insurance will cover you throughout the Schengen area, as well as documents that show why you’re visiting. You also need to verify your employment and provide pay stubs from the last 3 months.For a business trip, you’ll need to get the company that’s hosting you to provide a letter, as well as your own company. Both should state why you’re visiting on business, and at least one should say who’s paying for your trip and provide the place you’re staying.For a fun trip, you need information such as your hotel reservations, which includes the proper contact information for that hotel. You should also provide info if you’re going on a tour.If you’re visiting people, you may need a special form to verify that. For instance, in The Netherlands, the form is called the Proof of Private Accommodation and/or Sponsorship, which the host needs to have certified by the Dutch City Hall. The country will also need a copy of that person’s passport or residence permit.

4Submit the application. Most countries require that you apply at their embassy or consulate in person in your host country. Most of the time, you will need to make an appointment before visiting. You can use either the foreign country’s government website or your own country’s government website to find the consulate nearest you.

5Give your fingerprints. You will be fingerprinted at the consulate’s office if you haven’t before for a Schengen Visa. If you have before, the consulate should be able to look it up.[2]XResearch source

6Pay the fee. The fee will vary both by the country you’re from and the country you’re applying to. The foreign country’s website should have the current fees, or you can call the consulate before you arrive to find out the fee.Advertisement