Beauty How to Be a Hot Girl
2022-07-30 Groundpa 320 viewsWhile being a hot girl might seem like an elusive goal, it’s definitely something you can achieve! Everyone has their own definition of what’s “hot,” so there’s no one way to be...

Beauty How to Dress Smart Casual (Females)
2022-07-30 Groundpa 310 viewsDressing “smart casual” is another way to say dressing stylish casual. Dressing smart casual essentially means dressing in a casual manner that is a bit more fancy by creating a...

Life 4 Ways to Steam Dumplings without a Steamer
2022-07-30 Groundpa 364 viewsSteamed dumplings are so delicious, but how can you prepare them at home if you don't have a bamboo steamer or metal basket? Whether you're cooking homemade or frozen dumplings,...

Beauty How to Be Hot
2022-07-30 Groundpa 326 viewsBeing hot is more than just a look—it's a frame of mind. Not only should you look confident, sexy, and intriguing, but you should also know that you look good, and act like it,...

Beauty How to Be Pretty if You Are Unfortunate With Your Looks
2022-07-30 Groundpa 317 viewsFeeling like you don’t live up to an impossible beauty standard can be really hard. Even if you know that your character and accomplishments are more important than your looks, ...

Beauty How to Have Sex Appeal
2022-07-30 Groundpa 268 viewsSex appeal is hard to pin down–it's a quality that draws you to someone, powerfully and instantly. But just because it's hard to understand doesn't mean that it's hard to cultiv...

Life How to Freeze Pesto
2022-07-30 Groundpa 386 viewsYou’ve got a huge batch of basil pesto on your hands—a little too much, in fact! How are you supposed to save all of your delicious leftover sauce without letting any of it go t...

Travel How to Look Rich
2022-07-30 Groundpa 419 viewsNo matter how much money you have, you can still learn to class up your look a little. Learn how to dress like you've got more money than you know what to do with, from grooming...

Beauty The Top 16 Outfits Guys Find Most Attractive
2022-07-30 Groundpa 326 viewsIf you want to catch a guy’s attention, your outfit may be one of the first things he notices. While you don’t always need to dress for men, it’s really fun spicing up your ward...

Beauty How to Remove Wrinkles from Clothes Without an Iron
2022-07-30 Groundpa 328 viewsHaving wrinkles in your clothes can distract other people from appreciating how awesome your outfit looks. Even if you don't have an iron, you can easily take wrinkles out of yo...
How to Upgrade Your PSP Firmware 1920 views
How to Balance School and Work as an Adult 1627 views
How to Get Into Journalism 1160 views
How to Contact Klook 969 views