How to Undo a Mac App Update Without Time Machine

Digital How to Undo a Mac App Update Without Time Machine

2022-02-11 Groundpa 400 views

Are you planning on updating a Mac app or program but you aren't sure if you're going to like the new version? One method of undoing Mac application/program updates is to use Ti...

How to Make a Portable and Rechargeable USB Charger

Digital How to Make a Portable and Rechargeable USB Charger

2022-02-11 Groundpa 317 views

Ever caught nowhere near a charger and you just need to use your device? With this easy to make portable charger you'll never be caught without power ever again. And this charge...

How to Connect a Samsung Smart TV to Wi‐Fi Direct

Digital How to Connect a Samsung Smart TV to Wi‐Fi Direct

2022-02-11 Groundpa 1287 views

If you want to easily transfer data between your Samsung Smart TV and your Samsung mobile phone, try using Wi-Fi direct. Wi-Fi direct technology allows you to establish a direct...

How to Refurbish a Computer

Digital How to Refurbish a Computer

2022-02-11 Groundpa 402 views

If you have an old computer sitting around that does not work, it doesn't have to stay that way. You can repair it and get it working again, and upgrade it, using the following ...

How to Install MS DOS 7.1

Digital How to Install MS DOS 7.1

2022-02-11 Groundpa 388 views

Want to install a vintage version of MS DOS on your PC? You can download MS DOS 7.1 and other old operating systems from WinWorld and copy them to bootable media—we'll show you ...

How to Use a KaiOS Enabled Device

Digital How to Use a KaiOS Enabled Device

2022-02-11 Groundpa 309 views

This wikiHow teaches you how to get started with KaiOS on your mobile phone. Once you've inserted a valid mobile SIM card, you can use KaiOS to make phone calls, send text messa...

How to Brown Ground Beef

Food How to Brown Ground Beef

2022-02-11 Groundpa 392 views

Browning ground beef is a way to cook the meat and remove the fat before adding the beef to a dishes such as tacos or chili. The most common way to cook beef is on a stovetop, b...

How to Hold a Spoon

Food How to Hold a Spoon

2022-02-11 Groundpa 314 views

Although proper spoon use varies from culture to culture, you can learn a universal way to hold a spoon to allow for the widest field of motion. The trick is to rest the spoon o...

How to Dispose of Electronics

Digital How to Dispose of Electronics

2022-02-11 Groundpa 322 views

Getting rid of old phones, computers, or tablets isn’t as easy as just tossing them in the trash. In fact, in many states, throwing away old electronics is illegal. Because they...

How to Scan a Barcode

Digital How to Scan a Barcode

2022-02-11 Groundpa 354 views

This wikiHow teaches you how to scan an item's barcode using either a traditional scanner or an app on your smartphone.StepsMethod 1Method 1 of 3:Using a Scanner1Find an item to...