How to Hide PC Wires

Digital How to Hide PC Wires

2022-02-16 Groundpa 373 views

You've organized your space and have your computer area just the way you want—the only problem is all the cords! Lots of wires stretching across your desk can make it look messy...

How to Spot Misinformation Online

Digital How to Spot Misinformation Online

2022-02-11 Groundpa 354 views

We’ve all seen it—an article or meme in your timeline or newsfeed that seems absolutely crazy or unbelievable. The thing is, there’s a lot of misinformation out there these days...

How to Repair Corrupted BIOS Firmware

Digital How to Repair Corrupted BIOS Firmware

2022-02-11 Groundpa 391 views

If your BIOS firmware has become corrupted, there are a few troubleshooting steps you can take to try to repair the corrupted BIOS. If your motherboard has a backup BIOS, you c...

How to Charge a FitPro Smart Watch

Digital How to Charge a FitPro Smart Watch

2022-02-11 Groundpa 496 views

FitPro Watches are another kind of smart watch like the Fitbit. This wikiHow will teach you how to charge a FitPro watch.Steps1Remove the top strap from the watchface. This is t...

10 Genius Ways to Cheat a Step Counter on a Phone (No Walking Required)

Digital 10 Genius Ways to Cheat a Step Counter on a Phone (No Walking Required)

2022-02-11 Groundpa 697 views

Sometimes companies or schools obligate their employees or students to take part in a step count challenge. Though the intention behind it might be good, let’s face it—you don’t...

How to Hack a Computer

Digital How to Hack a Computer

2022-02-11 Groundpa 334 views

This wikiHow teaches you how to gain access to a Windows or Mac computer that you don't normally have access to. As long as you have access to the computer in-person, there are ...

How to Clean a Lifeproof Case

Digital How to Clean a Lifeproof Case

2022-02-11 Groundpa 314 views

Lifeproof cases are accessories made for outdoor use electronics, including phones and tablets. These products are made to resist water and falls in the roughest terrain. Still,...

How to Create a Drafting Sheet with Dimensions in Siemens NX 12

Digital How to Create a Drafting Sheet with Dimensions in Siemens NX 12

2022-02-11 Groundpa 406 views

CAD drafting sheets are important two dimensional drawings that designers and engineers use. Informational, detailed drafting sheets help engineers and designers improve product...

How to Make a Website Responsive

Digital How to Make a Website Responsive

2022-02-11 Groundpa 382 views

When designing your website, it's important to make sure it looks great on any device, regardless of screen size and shape. Responsive websites are designed to look good on all ...

How to Create and Interpret a Linear Regression Line from a Data Set on a TI 84 Plus Graphing Calculator

Digital How to Create and Interpret a Linear Regression Line from a Data Set on a TI 84 Plus Graphing Calculator

2022-02-11 Groundpa 360 views

We'll show you how to create and interpret the numbers the calculator gives you when you are trying to find a linear regression line or "line of best fit" from a set of data on ...