Digital How to Dress Sexy but Casual
2022-07-30 Groundpa 370 viewsEveryone wants to feel sexy from time to time. If you're looking to create that effortlessly sexy and casual look, there are a few steps you can take to get you on the right pat...

Digital How to Dress Modern Vintage
2022-07-30 Groundpa 364 viewsModern vintage is all about blending vintage-style garments with high-street clothing. Bold prints, high waist bottoms, and collared shirts are all part of what makes this moder...

Digital How to Look Androgynous
2022-07-30 Groundpa 450 viewsAn androgynous look is one that ignores gender binaries and embraces both feminine and masculine qualities. Whether you want a more permanent androgynous look or are playing wit...

Beauty How to Wear a Fanny Pack
2022-07-30 Groundpa 301 viewsIf all you know of fanny packs is the neon pink one your mom wore in the '80s, it's time to re-think your opinion of them! Fanny packs, also known as belt bags or bum bags, come...

Beauty How to Dress Smart Casual (Females)
2022-07-30 Groundpa 309 viewsDressing “smart casual” is another way to say dressing stylish casual. Dressing smart casual essentially means dressing in a casual manner that is a bit more fancy by creating a...

Life How to Make Lahori Chargha
2022-07-30 Groundpa 368 viewsThis dish is a classic found in the heart of Punjab: Lahore, Pakistan. “Chargha” means deep-fried chicken, but over time this dish has evolved into many different variations. As...

Life 4 Ways to Steam Dumplings without a Steamer
2022-07-30 Groundpa 363 viewsSteamed dumplings are so delicious, but how can you prepare them at home if you don't have a bamboo steamer or metal basket? Whether you're cooking homemade or frozen dumplings,...

Beauty How to Be Pretty if You Are Unfortunate With Your Looks
2022-07-30 Groundpa 316 viewsFeeling like you don’t live up to an impossible beauty standard can be really hard. Even if you know that your character and accomplishments are more important than your looks, ...

Life How to Freeze Pesto
2022-07-30 Groundpa 385 viewsYou’ve got a huge batch of basil pesto on your hands—a little too much, in fact! How are you supposed to save all of your delicious leftover sauce without letting any of it go t...

Travel How to Look Rich
2022-07-30 Groundpa 418 viewsNo matter how much money you have, you can still learn to class up your look a little. Learn how to dress like you've got more money than you know what to do with, from grooming...
How to Upgrade Your PSP Firmware 1919 views
How to Balance School and Work as an Adult 1627 views
How to Get Into Journalism 1160 views
How to Contact Klook 968 views