Digital How to Record Video Gameplay With No Capture Card
2022-02-16 Groundpa 386 viewsRecording and sharing gameplay has become a very popular pastime for many players. The increase in popularity of video sites such as YouTube and Twitch have opened up a whole ne...

Digital How to Search Google
2022-02-16 Groundpa 380 viewsThis wikiHow teaches you the basics of searching the web using Google, the world's largest search engine. Once you learn how to do a basic web search, you can learn how to use s...

Digital How to Add a Voiceover to Google Slides
2022-02-16 Groundpa 395 viewsWith the desktop version of Google Slides, you can use a feature to add audio. However, the audio file must be previously recorded, as you only have the ability to insert audio,...

Digital How to Open an Opus File on PC or Mac
2022-02-16 Groundpa 463 viewsThis wikiHow teaches you how to listen to a WhatsApp OPUS file on your Windows or macOS computer. The simplest way to do this is to install VLC Player, which supports OPUS and m...

Digital How to Type the Apple Logo (Mac and Windows)
2022-02-16 Groundpa 444 viewsYou can type the Apple logo on Windows or Mac notebooks and computers in several different ways: by locating the logo in Windows' character map, using a Windows shortcut (typing...

Digital How to Use Vlc to Rip Multiple Episodes from a DVD
2022-02-16 Groundpa 590 viewsThis wikiHow will teach you how to rip multiple episodes from a DVD using VLC. Many newer DVDs have copy protection that makes them unable to be ripped without first decrypting ...

Digital How Do I Keep My Computer Awake Without Touching My Mouse?
2022-02-16 Groundpa 359 viewsThis wikiHow teaches you how to prevent your computer from going to sleep when you're not actively typing or moving the mouse. This can be helpful when you're downloading someth...

Digital How to Reimage a Computer
2022-02-16 Groundpa 377 viewsThis wikiHow teaches you how to remove and reinstall the operating system on a Windows or Mac computer. Doing so is typically a response to a corrupt or infected operating syste...

Digital How to Use Satellite Internet
2022-02-16 Groundpa 360 viewsThis wikiHow teaches you how to install and use Satellite Internet in your home or mobile location. Satellite Internet is often the only option for people living in remote, rura...

Digital How to Tell if Your Mac Is Too Old to Update
2022-02-16 Groundpa 387 viewsWondering whether your Mac is too old to run macOS Monterey? Each time a new version of macOS is released, some older models are excluded from the update. We'll show you how to ...
How to Upgrade Your PSP Firmware 1920 views
How to Balance School and Work as an Adult 1627 views
How to Get Into Journalism 1160 views
How to Contact Klook 969 views