Unless there is a citywide outage, it is the customer’s responsibility to alert a phone company that a is faulty. First, test your system with several methods, and then you can contact the company to report a problem.

StepsPart 1Part 1 of 2:Testing Your Phone Line1Pick up your phone. If it is a landline, listen for a dial tone with the dial button is clicked. Check to make sure the base is plugged in and the phone is charged before you move on to the next tests.If it is a cell phone, try calling a number in your contacts since you will not be able to hear a dial tone.

2Try plugging in another phone to the phone cable. If you have to find a new phone to do so, you will want to keep the receipt so that you can return it if your old phone isn’t faulty.Advertisement

3Find another phone to use for the second part of the test. You can also go on your computer and use an online calling system, such as Skype.

4Call the phone line that you suspect is faulty. If the call doesn’t go through, despite a dial tone, you may have a problem with your line. AdvertisementPart 2Part 2 of 2:Reporting a Faulty Phone Line

1Find your last phone bill. Look for a website for customer service. You can also go directly to a search engine and type in “Report a fault” and the telephone company name.

2Check your phone line for faults using an automated system if it is available. Type your phone number into the space provided and the phone system will check to see if there are with the line.[1]XResearch source

3Follow the instructions on the website if the phone number is checked and found faulty. You will need to submit a form that will result in a service call.

4Opt to call the customer service line on your phone bill using an online calling service or another person’s phone in order to report directly that your phone line is fault. Request a service order so that they will be sure to respond to your service call promptly.

5Check your phone after the service call. If you still have problems, call the customer service number again.Advertisement