Mindfulness is the ability to deliberately engage in the present moment. This practice will actually allow you to respond, rather than react to every situation. A sense of mindfulness can also help gain a better understanding of their feelings, help them pay attention and make better decisions. In order to practice mindfulness as a , you should model self-mindfulness, engage in a variety of mindfulness activities, and make mindfulness a habitual part of your family routine.

StepsMethod 1Method 1 of 3:Setting an Example

1Establish your own mindfulness practices. In order to practice mindfulness with your family, it is important that you model mindfulness behavior in your own . Your family will actually learn more from modeling your behavior than they will from most attempts at teaching mindfulness.XFor example, you could set aside five minutes each day to practice meditation. During this time, focus on all of your senses and maintain steady deep breaths.You can also practice self-compassion during stressful moments of the day. For example, acknowledge that you are stressed and ask yourself “What do I need?”

2Be present around your family. One way to model mindfulness is by being present. If you are always distracted and on your phone when you are around your family, you are teaching them that listening isn’t important. Instead, crouch down to your child’s level and make eye contact when you are speaking with them. If you notice your mind wandering, ask questions and refocus on the present.XModel active listening skills to demonstrate that you are paying attention.For example, try to rephrase and repeat what is said to you during a conversation. This will help you stay focused.

3Spend time on self-care. In order to model mindfulness, it is important as a parent to take time for yourself. When you are juggling your career and family, life can get stressful. Parents often put unnecessary pressure on themselves to be perfect. Take time for yourself so that you can stop and really focus on enjoying the moment. In addition to providing you with time to manage yourself, modeling this behavior for your children can show them how to cope with stress and other strong emotions.XFor example, try exercising, visiting a spa, reading, or simply taking a nap.Alternatively, you may want to spend some quality time with your partner, away from your children. Try implementing a monthly date night to allow you to focus some of your attention on maintaining a healthy relationship.Method 2Method 2 of 3:Trying Mindfulness Activities as a Family

1Practice breathing techniques together. Focused and controlled breathing is an important component of mindfulness and something that you can practice together as a family. In order to learn deep breathing have everyone inhale and count to four, hold the breath for a count of four, exhale for a count of four, and finally count to four before inhaling again. You could also try a fun breathing exercise called breathing buddy. Have each family member lie down in a circle with a weighted “breathing buddy” placed on their tummy. Then watch the buddy rise and fall while focusing on breathing.XThis will help make sure everyone is breathing properly using the diaphragm.Slow down the breathing by counting to three as you inhale and back down to one during the exhale.For toddlers and younger children they could use a small weighted stuffed animal as a breathing buddy. For older kids and teenagers they could use a rock, shell, or another trinket.

2Take a listening walk. This is a great way to help each member relax and focus on the present. Walk through the woods while being silent and taking in the natural environment. Adults often overlook their surrounding environment and this type of activity can help you appreciate your life.Alternatively you could try walking through a crowded shopping center. Your mind will likely focus on your surroundings rather than getting distracted by thoughts of or other activities.At the end of the walk ask the members of your family what they noticed while walking.Alternatively, you could go for a walk as a family and have two to five minutes of silent time and then discuss things you noticed for the rest of the walk.X

3Focus on your bodies. Another mindfulness activity you can do as a family involves sitting or lying down together and then focusing on different parts of the body. Allow each member of the family to announce a body part and then discuss how that part feels. This forces your mind to engage and focus on the present activity. Then ask your kids to describe how they are feeling by focusing on a specific body part.XFor example, you could begin by saying “I’m focused on my feet, and they are sore.” Then your partner could say “I am focused on my stomach, and it is hungry.” When your kids are feeling upset or sad, use the same technique to help them figure out what they are feeling both physically and emotionally.Continue this exercise until interest wanes or you can just do one round daily.

4Meditate as a family. Set aside five minutes each day for family meditation. Once, everyone becomes comfortable meditating, you can increase the time to ten minutes. In order to meditate, have each family member find a comfortable place to sit and then close their eyes and focus on breathing and positive visualization.Method 3Method 3 of 3:Incorporating Mindfulness into Your Family Routines

1Create a mindfulness routine together. In order to practice mindfulness as a family, you will need to set aside time to engage in mindfulness activities. It is important for these types of activities to become habitual and part of your regular routine. For example, set aside time before bed to engage in family meditation or breathing exercises.Alternatively, you could have quiet periods during the day when no one is allowed to communicate. This will allow each individual to focus on their own thoughts and acts without getting distracted.You could also share with your family experiences from throughout the day when you practiced mindfulness. Ask your family members to share a few examples as well.

2Create a mindfulness space in your home. Another way to incorporate mindfulness into your family life is by creating a space in your home designated specifically for mindfulness activities. By designating a specific location for mindfulness you are helping to ensure that mindfulness becomes a regular habit in your family.For instance, you could have one corner of the living room dedicated to mindfulness or you could devote an entire room to the practice.Ensure this space is quiet and comfortable.You could also ask each member of the family to place an item in this area. This will provide a personal connection for every family member.

3Eat meals together. Eating dinner together, even if it is only once a week, is an excellent way to practice mindfulness as a family. You can discuss things that are happening in your lives, list things that you appreciate and are grateful for, or you can have everyone think about and focus on the flavours they are tasting.This type of appreciation allows everyone to take the time to focus on the good things in life.This also allows your whole family to practice mindful eating by doing things like stopping when you are full, eating nutritionally healthy foods, and paying attention to where your food comes from.X