This dish is a classic found in the heart of Punjab: Lahore, Pakistan. “Chargha” means deep-fried chicken, but over time this dish has evolved into many different variations. As long as the correct seasoning is being used, Lahori Chargha can be enjoyed in many different ways. This dish is a staple in Pakistani cuisine. Prep Time: 2 hours – 1 day. Cook Time: 50 minutes – 60 minutes. Servings: 5 servings.
Ingredients32 fluid ounces of distilled vinegar2 pounds chicken breast2 ounces of olive oil2 tablespoons of garlic and ginger paste combination1 tablespoon of salt1 packet of Lahori Chargha MixStepsPart 1Part 1 of 2:Prepping1Thaw the frozen chicken breasts safely by leaving them in the fridge overnight. If time is an issue, then place the chicken in a sink full of warm water for at least 2 hours. If the chicken is already thawed, then this step can be skipped.
2Wash the chicken under cool, running water. Gently rub each chicken breast all around for 30 seconds while it is under water to remove the slime.Advertisement
3Place the chicken in a large bowl large enough for all of the breasts to fit. Add 32 ounces of distilled white vinegar to the bowl
4Add 1 tablespoon of salt to the bowl.5Rub the solution all over each chicken breast for 30 seconds to remove any leftover slime from the previous washing step. You will know the slime has been removed when the skin feels dry and smooth.6Wash the chicken again under cool, running water. Discard the salt and vinegar solution either in a separate bowl or down the sink.
7Cut short, diagonal lines into each of the chicken breasts. Make sure the cuts are deep, but not so deep that they slice all the way through the chicken. The purpose of the cuts is for the seasoning to penetrate deep inside the meat, which produces a stronger flavor.
8 Begin to make the seasoning paste by adding the packet of Lahori Charga Mix to a small bowl. Add 2 tbsp of the garlic and ginger paste combination to it, 1 tbsp of salt, and 3 ounces of water. Mix the contents.9Rub the seasoning evenly among all the chicken breasts. Take your hands and rub the seasoning into the cuts made.
10 Wrap the chicken in aluminum foil and place them in the fridge. Allow them to marinate overnight. If time is an issue, allow the chicken breasts to marinate for at least 15 minutes.AdvertisementPart 2Part 2 of 2:Cooking1Pre-heat the oven to 400 degrees2Place the chicken on a pan. Put the chicken breasts in the oven. Bake for 30 minutes.3Take out the chicken and drain any fat produced by the chicken after 30 minutes.4Rub 2 ounces of olive oil evenly among the chicken breasts on both sides. Place the chicken back in the oven for 20 minutes.5Take out the chicken breasts from the oven after 20 minutes. Use a food thermometer to verify that the internal temperature is 165 degrees Fahrenheit (74 degrees Celsius). If the temperature is lower, then add the chicken back into the oven in 5-minute intervals until it reaches the desired temperature.6Take the chicken out of the oven and let the breasts sit for 5 minutes.
7Now your Lahori Chargha is ready to be served. Serve with either rice or eat them plain.Advertisement