Many sons and daughters have dreaded coming home from either or because of the inevitable dinner conversations. Who knows, you might end up next to your great-aunt Kate who blabs on and on about her cats or next to cousin Joey who rightfully earned his title of prank king. Read this article to have an easier time, and you might find yourself enjoying these dinners!

StepsPart 1Part 1 of 4:Review the Seating

1Consider whether there is some rivalry in the family. Or, do some people just not fit together? If that is the case, make sure they sit on opposite sides of the table!

2Try to steer the mood towards being a happy one. Who likes to chat with a nemesis for a whole night? Also, it might turn out to be dangerous…

3Sit in a comfortable environment. Put yourself next to friends and people you have no problem being yourself with.

4Have a corner for . It’s very annoying when little kids bug you for the whole dinner, so make sure that they have toys to play with and other kids to scream with.Part 2Part 2 of 4:Always Have an Escape

1Plan the escape. Inevitably, there are the casualties, so make sure that if you end up with a very boring or annoying person as your side person, that you have an escape. Some ideas are offered next, to help you.

2Fake a call. You can say that your friend is in a homework crisis, or be even less confidential and simply say it’s important.

3Say you want to check on your 3-year-old cousin, or in certain cases, your son. Kids are a great diversion from family dinners, because they need so much care and attention. Watch out though, you might find yourself spending the rest of the night with little Johnny!

4Use the restrooms. If you desperately need to go to the bathroom, nobody could force you to stay. Just make sure you don’t stay away for too long.Part 3Part 3 of 4:Bring Another Person in the Conversation

1If you are having trouble keeping the conversation going, include someone else. Group chats can be so much easier and enjoyable, because you can just lay back and listen (or not).Part 4Part 4 of 4:Being properly engaged

1Make eye contact. Many people expect you to be making eye contact, so do that.

2Stand up straight. This basically shows the person respect.

3Don’t be the one to end the conversation if you don’t have a proper excuse. The person might come back later and won’t give up until you’ve heard it all.

4Be funny. It is so much more enjoyable to talk to a funny person! Make jokes and laugh when necessary, but make sure you don’t overdo it.Laugh even when you don’t get the joke, it makes people feel appreciated.

5Be a good audience. Nod when you have to, cry when you have to, and even yell if necessary! The talker needs a confidence booster to keep his or her story interesting on both sides.

6Be polite. Don’t interrupt unless the speaker asks you a question.

7Find a good topic to talk about. It’s so much easier to speak if both parties are interested and involved in the conversation.

8Don’t be negative. Don’t try to see everything at a bad angle, it makes the environment worse for you and the other guests. Try to enjoy yourself, and most of the time you will.