Traveling with your pet during the holidays can present its own set of challenges. Before you decide to travel with your pet, you should consider the emotional and physical risks to your pet. If you decide to take your pet on holiday travel, make sure you take proper precautions before and during your travel to make sure you pet is happy, healthy, and safe.

StepsMethod 1Method 1 of 4:Traveling by Automobile with Your Pet

1Bring along a human companion. Traveling with your pet via automobile will be much easier if you don’t do it alone. If possible, take along a friend or member on your holiday road trip. Your human companion will be able to help you with any issues that might arise, and can keep your pet company in the back seat if needed.[1]XTrustworthy SourceThe Humane Society of the United StatesNational organization devoted to the promotion of animal welfareGo to source

2Don’t let your pet roam in the vehicle. If you are taking your pet on a holiday road trip, it’s important that they do not roam while you are driving. Allowing your pet to have free range of the vehicle can lead to accidents. For example, if your airbag deploys and your pet is in the front seat, it can cause injury. Instead, make sure you pet is in a kennel or carrier for the duration of the journey.[2]XResearch sourceAdvertisement

3Keep your pet’s head inside the vehicle. While traveling with your pet in an automobile, you must make sure they keep their head in the car at all times. Allowing your pet to hang their head out of the window can be dangerous. Pets can get debris in their eyes or have cold air forced down their lungs.[3]XResearch source

4Take lots of rest stops. When embarking on a holiday road trip with your pet, make sure you plan for plenty of breaks. Your pet will need to get outside, stretch its legs, and take a potty break. This is especially true for overly anxious pets, or those with physical that might limit bladder control.

5Don’t leave your pet alone in the automobile. You should never, under any circumstances, leave your pet alone in a vehicle. Temperatures within a vehicle can rise or fall quickly, putting your pet at risk of injury or death. When traveling with your pet, make sure you always take them out of the vehicle when you leave it.[4]XTrustworthy SourceThe Humane Society of the United StatesNational organization devoted to the promotion of animal welfareGo to source

6Never transport a pet in the back of a pickup truck. Unless the back of your pickup truck is covered and heated, you should never transport your pet in the bed of your truck. There are multiple dangers associated with doing so, including damage to your pet’s eyes, ears, and nose. Pets can also be easily ejected from the back of a truck, and riding in the bed of a pickup truck increases the risk your pet will jump ship, which can result in extreme injury or death.[5]XResearch sourceAdvertisementMethod 2Method 2 of 4:Traveling by Airplane with Your Pet

1Understand the risks of air travel. Before you decide to travel in an airplane with your pet, it is important that you consider all the risks involved in this type of travel. Flying can be terrifying for animals, and extreme conditions cause animals to die on flights every year. Do your research and consider reconsidering your decision to fly with your pet.[6]XResearch source

2Get the proper health clearances. Many airlines and countries require that your pet have proper health clearances before traveling. This often includes a certificate of health along with proof of vaccinations. Check with your air carrier and country of origin and destination to get information on what health clearances are necessary for pets. Once you do this, set up an appointment with your veterinarian to ensure your pet is properly certified for travel.

3Choose cabin travel if possible. You should, at all costs, avoid flying with your pet in the cargo hold.[7]XExpert Source
Elisabeth WeissProfessional Dog TrainerExpert Interview. 4 November 2021. Extreme temperatures, lack of pressurization, and elevated stress levels contribute to numerous deaths of pets flying in the cargo hold of planes each year. Instead, find an airline that will allow you to fly with your pet in the cabin.[8]XTrustworthy SourceThe Humane Society of the United StatesNational organization devoted to the promotion of animal welfareGo to source

4Take precautions if your dog flies in the cargo hold. You should take a direct flight, and make sure you are on the same flight as your pet.[9]XExpert Source
Elisabeth WeissProfessional Dog TrainerExpert Interview. 4 November 2021. Your pet should be wearing a collar that will not get caught in its carrier, and the carrier should have a travel label attached to it with your information. You should also notify the flight attendants that your pet is traveling in cargo, and carry a current photo of your pet with you.[10]XTrustworthy SourceThe Humane Society of the United StatesNational organization devoted to the promotion of animal welfareGo to source

5Do not feed your pet for 4-6 hours before the flight. If you are flying with your pet during the holidays, it is important that your pet does not eat in the hours preceding the flight. This will help prevent your dog from vomiting during the flight if they experience motion sickness. It will also limit your pet’s need for a potty break during air travel.[11]XTrustworthy SourceThe Humane Society of the United StatesNational organization devoted to the promotion of animal welfareGo to source

6Clip your pet’s nails before air travel. If your pet is traveling in an airplane, it will have to spend the duration of the flight in its travel carrier. The last thing you want is for your pet’s paws to get caught in the carrier due to unruly nails. Take time before you travel to clip your pet’s nails.[12]XResearch source

7Do not give your pet tranquilizers. It is important that you refrain from drugging your pet before or during air travel. Under no circumstances is it safe to sedate your pet before or during air travel. Sedated pets can have extreme reactions to pressurized aircraft, and sedating your pet increases the risk of death.[13]XResearch sourceAdvertisementMethod 3Method 3 of 4:Handling Your Pet at Your Holiday Destination

1Respect other guests. It is important that you are respectful of other guests at your holiday destination. This means you need to be aware of your pet and its behavior at all times. You should stop barking, meowing, or chirping immediately and pick up all pet waste. Never leave your pet unattended in your hotel room. If you need to go somewhere your pet is not welcome, you should take your pet to a kennel for the duration of your day trip.

2Bring along your pet’s bed. If at all possible, you will want to bring your pet’s bed with you to your holiday destination.[14]XExpert Source
Elisabeth WeissProfessional Dog TrainerExpert Interview. 4 November 2021. You will want to make sure your pet feels at home during your holiday, and bringing along its bed will help ease the uneasiness that comes from being in a new or foreign location. If you can’t bring your pet’s bed, make sure you at least bring a familiar item, such as a blanket, that your pet can rest upon for the holiday.

3Take some toys. Your pet will be in a location that is not its home during your holiday travel. This can result in anxiety, uneasiness, or even excess energy. Bringing along your pet’s favorite toy can help soothe frayed nerves and can also help your pet out some of the pent up energy that it acquired from your road trip or the plane ride to your holiday destination.

4Make sure you bring enough food and snacks. When traveling with your pet, it is important that you bring along enough food and snacks for the holiday. It is not wise to attempt to buy pet food once you reach your destination. You might not be able to find your pet’s usual brand of food, and abruptly changing your pet’s diet can wreak digestive and emotional havoc on your already disoriented pet.[15]XExpert Source
Elisabeth WeissProfessional Dog TrainerExpert Interview. 4 November 2021.Always give your dog bottled water when you travel, especially if you’re heading abroad.[16]XExpert Source
Elisabeth WeissProfessional Dog TrainerExpert Interview. 4 November 2021.AdvertisementMethod 4Method 4 of 4:Reconsidering Holiday Travel with Your Pet

1Consider your pet’s health. Before you decide to take your pet on a holiday trip, you should consider whether they are healthy enough to make the journey. If your pet suffers from chronic health conditions, it might be best to leave them at home. Book an appointment with your vet and make sure your pet is healthy enough to travel.[17]XTrustworthy SourceThe Humane Society of the United StatesNational organization devoted to the promotion of animal welfareGo to source

2Think about your pet’s emotional needs. It’s understandable that you do not want to be separated from your pet over the holidays. However, travel can be extremely stressful for animals. This is especially true if you are thinking about flying with your pet, or will have to leave them in a strange hotel room or kennel while you are out enjoying the holiday at your destination. These situations can cause undue emotional stress for your pet.[18]XTrustworthy SourceThe Humane Society of the United StatesNational organization devoted to the promotion of animal welfareGo to source

3Consider leaving your pet at home. If possible, booking a pet sitter might be the best way to handle holiday travel with your pet. While you may not be able to stomach the idea of being away from your pet over the holidays, chances are your pet will be less stressed and happier if left at home. Try to find a responsible pet sitter, friend, or family member with whom you can leave your pet for the holiday.Advertisement