When your gym has something for everyone, your whole can enjoy greater health. Choosing the best gym for the whole family requires a multifaceted approach. By investigating gym services, considering convenience and affordability, and evaluating the gym in person you can easily select the best choice for everyone in your family unit. Before long, your whole family will be spending quality time together while getting healthy.

StepsPart 1Part 1 of 3:Investigating Gym Services

1Determine your needs. Before you begin your hunt for the perfect gym, spent some time figuring out what you need. Are you looking for a gym where your whole family can workout together? Or just one that all of your family members want to use? Are you looking for a gym where your kids can have equipment/facilities to use, or are you looking for a gym that will provide daycare while you out? If you know what your family needs in a gym, and can more easily locate the right one.Generate a list of needs and desires.Get input from everyone in the family.Rank your needs in order of the most important (what is non-negotiable) to the least important (what you might be willing to give up).

2Compile a list of options. Begin your search for the best gym for your family by generating a list of potentials. Use this list as a jumping off point, and narrow it down until you find the gym for you.XTake note of any gyms in your area.Perform an internet search for “gym membership” or “family-friendly gym.”Get recommendations from friends.

3Look into what classes they offer. Many gyms offer fitness classes, but the variety of these classes will vary widely from place to place. Visit the websites of various gyms and/or give them a call to see which classes they offer.X You might be looking for:Swim classes for kids.Spin classes for mom and dad.Yoga classes for mom and baby.

4Investigate childcare options. If you have small kiddos, you might want a gym that offers childcare. Call or look online to see if childcare services are offered at each gym.X You might ask about:What ages of they care for.Hours of childcare.Price of childcare (often this costs extra).Additional policies.

5Check out their age-based policies. Some gyms will have age-based policies that dictate who can take which classes, use which services, or use which machines. If you have “tween” or teen-aged kids, this may affect you the most. Look into any age-based policies each gym may have.X Examples include:Kids under 16 cannot use the sauna.Kids under 16 cannot use weight room equipment unsupervised.Kids under 12 can only swim in the pool during certain times.Part 2Part 2 of 3:Considering Convenience and Affordability

1Consider the right location. One of the biggest obstacles to greater fitness is time. If you need to drive your family 45 minutes to get to your gym, you are all less likely to go. Select a gym in a convenient location for your family.XChoose a place that is close to home.Choose a place that is on the way to or work.Consider parking costs and availability.

2Look into gym hours and class schedule. You need your gym to be open when you have time to go. Additionally, you need the classes you want to be available when your family is.XCompare the gym’s hours with your family’s free time.Watch out for extra fees for early morning or late night classes.Find out if hours or class times are subject to change.

3Ask about other amenities. Many gyms will offer additional amenities or services that might sway you. Read over each gym’s website or talk to a representative about what else they might provide.X Be aware that some of these services may cost extra. This can include things like:Equipment for rent.Lockers.Showers.A climbing wall.A snack bar.

4Compare costs. Membership fees can vary widely from location to location (or even from package to package at the same gym). Additionally, what is included versus what costs extra can be very different from place to place. Before you sign anything, compare costs at different gyms and ask a lot of questions!X You might ask:”What if I need to exit my contract?””Do fitness classes cost extra?””Do I have to pay extra to rent a locker?””Can I pause my contract if I leave the country?”

5Inquire about possible discounts. Make your gym experience more affordable by looking into potential discount options. Inquire at your gym and/or contact other discount-providers directly.X These can include:Discounts through your employer.Discounts through your insurance company.Family membership discount.Deals on Groupon or Living Social.Part 3Part 3 of 3:Seeing the Gym in Person

1Sign up for a free trial. Many gyms will offer a brief free trial period and/or guest pass for you to try out their facilities. Bring your whole family along and try to get everyone’s sense of the place!XSome gyms may only offer to give you a tour or a day-pass instead of a free trial.Some gyms will ask you to provide credit card info. Be sure to “cancel” before your trial period is over to avoid fees.

2Look for cleanliness and safety. While you are there, check the place for safety and sanitation. Keep an eye out for anything that seems dangerous, gross, or just off.XDoes the facility seem clean?Are members required to wipe down machines after using them?Does the equipment seem to be functioning properly?Does the equipment seem like it’s being maintained?

3Test the overall vibe. Ultimately, whether you like a gym or not comes down to a feeling. If you enjoy being there, you are far more likely to go. Talk to everyone in your family and discuss the things you liked or disliked about each gym.XDoes the staff seem knowledgeable?Were they helpful?Do you feel comfortable there, or intimidated?Can you see yourself working out there?