Bringing your parents to the UK can be difficult, but it’s quite doable under the right circumstances. As an adult, the only way to bring your parents over to the UK is if they require daily care, and you plan to provide it. If you meet this requirement, your parents can fill out a visa application, which may allow them to reside permanently in the UK with you!

StepsPart 1Part 1 of 3:Meeting the Requirements for Dependent Relatives

1Have permanent status or citizenship. For your parents to come over, you must be a permanent resident in the U.K. That means that you need to have citizenship, permanent leave to remain, permanent residency, refugee status, or humanitarian protection.[1]XTrustworthy SourceOfficial UK government websiteOfficial website for the public sector of the UK governmentGo to sourceBasically, if you are legally staying in the UK on a semi-permanent basis, you can likely bring your parents over.

2Ensure your parents need long-term care. The main way you can bring over your parents is if they need assistance with daily care tasks, including household tasks, personal hygiene tasks, and/or medical tasks. Your parents must need this care because of illness, disability, or age.[2]XTrustworthy SourceOfficial UK government websiteOfficial website for the public sector of the UK governmentGo to sourceAlso, they must not be able to get this care where they are living right now, which includes not having any relatives there who can provide that support. Exceptions may be made if care is not affordable.Both parents must apply at the same time if they are both still alive and still married. In other words, if one parent could depend on the other for care, the UK government won’t allow just the one parent who needs care to apply. Both parents must need care.[3]XResearch sourceAdvertisement

3Save enough money to support your parents for 5 years. In other words, you’ll need to show you have sufficient income to provide continuing support for your relatives. You must not use public funds to provide this support.[4]XTrustworthy SourceOfficial UK government websiteOfficial website for the public sector of the UK governmentGo to sourceGenerally, you must prove you can at least meet the threshold of making 18,600 pounds per year, which is the amount where you are not dependent on the state for things like a housing credit or tax credits.[5]XResearch sourceIt can help to have money saved. If you need to, try creating a budget to help you put some money back.AdvertisementPart 2Part 2 of 3:Applying for a Dependent Relative Visa

1Help your parents gather the basic documents. They’ll need their current passports, as well as any previous passports. Have your parents get 2 passport photos each, which will be used for the visa itself. If they have biometric residence permits, they should provide those, as well.[6]XTrustworthy SourceOfficial UK government websiteOfficial website for the public sector of the UK governmentGo to sourceYou can easily get passport photos at most drug stores or big box stores.

2Provide proof of your relationship with a birth certificate. For proof of relationship, you will need your birth certificate to show they are your parents. Adoption certificates are also a good option.[7]XResearch sourceIf you don’t have a copy of your birth certificate, you can Get Your Original Birth Certificate request one from the country you were born in. You will need to contact their government.

3Request a health certification from your parents’ doctor or health professional. Your parents must not be able to live on their own, and a doctor or other health professional must certify this. You will need to submit this certification with your parents’ application.[8]XResearch sourceIf they live in a country where there is tuberculosis, they will also need to send in test results showing they don’t have the disease. You can find the list of countries that have this requirement here:

4Fill in the application online with biographical information. Typically, your parents will need to do the application themselves. They will need to fill in basic biographical information like their address and date of birth, as well as things like their passport numbers.[9]XTrustworthy SourceOfficial UK government websiteOfficial website for the public sector of the UK governmentGo to sourceThey will also need to add information about you, such as what kind of residency you have, your date of birth, your nationality, and your address.They can create an account to file at

5Add more details to your application in the Appendix form. The Appendix goes more into depth about the type of care your parents need, what kind of care they’re getting now, and why they need care from you. They’ll also need to add information about your financial status and how you will be able to provide for them.[10]XResearch sourceThis form also asks questions about where they will plan to live once they move to the U.K.AdvertisementPart 3Part 3 of 3:Finishing the Application

1Send in the required documents by mail. Once you fill out the application, you can send in the documents through snail mail. The address you need will be listed on the application.[11]XTrustworthy SourceOfficial UK government websiteOfficial website for the public sector of the UK governmentGo to sourceIf you don’t have the original documents, you must get the copies certified.[12]XTrustworthy SourceOfficial UK government websiteOfficial website for the public sector of the UK governmentGo to source

2Pay the visa application fee. The fee for overseas applications for dependent relatives varies by country. However, it typically is over 3,000 pounds as of 2018, so it is fairly costly.You may need to save for a little while to be able to afford the visa fee.

3File an appeal if your parents are denied entrance. Your parents have a right to appeal the decision if their visa application is refused.[13]XTrustworthy SourceOfficial UK government websiteOfficial website for the public sector of the UK governmentGo to source You parents must appeal within 28 days of receiving a refusal letter using the IAFT-6 appeal form, which you can find at can find a paper form at of 2017, the fees for an appeal are 80 pounds for a paper hearing or 140 pounds for an oral hearing. For a paper hearing, the appeal is decided on the documents you and your parents provide. For an oral hearing, you or your parents can go and argue the case.[14]XResearch sourceThe fees can be waived if you’re receiving Legal Aid from a United Kingdom-based legal representative.[15]XResearch source

4Contact an immigration lawyer if you need one. If you feel like navigating the process is a bit too much, an immigration lawyer can help. You’ll need to find one in the UK to help you through the process, including the appeal.Start by working with an immigration adviser. There are 3 levels in the UK, where one is for simple cases and 3 is for the most complicated ones.[16]XTrustworthy SourceOfficial UK government websiteOfficial website for the public sector of the UK governmentGo to source Some advisers for free, or you may qualify for legal aid, which you can find at can find a list of immigration advisers and solicitors at immigration lawyer can cost anywhere from 250 pounds to 3,000+ pounds, depending on how much help you need.Ask your friends if they know of any good immigration lawyers.Advertisement