When you provide a service for clients, they might ask for a certificate of insurance (COI). This document reassures clients that if you make a mistake, you have insurance to cover any damages. Different clients will have different insurance requirements depending on the type of you’re doing and the value of the project you’re working on. If you’re wondering about how to get a COI, never fear—we’ve compiled answers to your most common questions about this essential document so you can get to work on that project as soon as possible.X

StepsQuestion 1Question 1 of 8:What is a certificate of insurance (COI)?

1A COI verifies a contractor’s liability insurance. COIs are issued by insurance companies to show that a contractor has a liability insurance policy in good standing. The document also lists the types and levels of coverage on the policy so the client can compare those to their requirements.XIn the US, most insurance companies use a standardized COI known as an ACORD (Association for Cooperative Operations Research and Development) form. So if your client asks you for an ACORD certificate, that’s what they mean.XQuestion 2Question 2 of 8:Who needs a COI?

1Contractors and service providers need a COI for their clients. If your business involves contracting with clients to render services for them, they’ll likely ask you for proof of your liability insurance. Many clients have minimum requirements for the amount of coverage you need. This coverage also might vary depending on the project or the specific work you’re doing.XFor example, if you run a moving company, a homeowner might require a COI before hiring you to move their belongings. That way, if something is broken in transit, the homeowner knows the damage will be covered.If you’re a contractor in construction, you’ll likely need a COI for every project you do. Even if your client doesn’t ask for one, it’s good practice to provide it anyway.Question 3Question 3 of 8:How much does a COI cost?

1Insurance companies typically issue COIs for free. Your COI is a part of your policy and a service most insurance companies provide free of charge. You might even be able to download one from your online account.XIf the client requires different levels of coverage than you currently have, you’d have to upgrade your policy to comply with their requirements. You would be charged for the changes to your coverage, but that’s not the same as being charged for a COI.For example, if you have $20,000 worth of coverage but the client requires you to have $50,000 worth of coverage, you’d have to pay the difference in the premium for the extra coverage. However, the COI itself would be free of charge.Question 4Question 4 of 8:Where can I get a COI?

1Contact your insurance company to get a COI. As a contractor, you’ll typically request the COI on behalf of a client who asked for one. It’s also acceptable for you to give the client the name of your insurer and let them request a COI.XUsually all you need to do is call your agent and request a COI. If you have an online account, you might also be able to request one there.If you’re giving the name of your insurer to your client so they can request a COI, it’s a good idea to check with your insurer first just to make sure they’re okay with this.Question 5Question 5 of 8:What info do I need to request a COI?

1Provide the name and address of the client along with project specifics. Generally, you’ll need to know what types and amounts of coverage the client requires as well as the starting and ending dates for the project. If you include an email address or fax number, your insurance agent can likely send the COI directly to the client on your behalf. Your client may have a form they can fill out and give to you. That way, you can be certain that your agent has all the information necessary to make sure your coverage meets the needs of your client so they can issue the certificate.Question 6Question 6 of 8:How long does it take to get a COI?

1You can usually get a COI in less than 24 hours. Most insurance companies will have your COI ready for you within 24 hours of receiving the request for one. You may also be able to download one from your online account provided you don’t have to make any policy changes.XIf you have to buy additional coverage to meet your client’s requirements, you might have to wait another day or two before your COI will be ready. Your agent will let you know.Check your information carefully to make sure everything’s correct and meets the client’s requirements. It will take longer to get your COI if you have to go back and forth with your agent to make any changes or corrections.Question 7Question 7 of 8:What info is included on a COI?

1A COI provides a summary of your insurance coverage. Your COI lists the types of coverage you have, the effective dates of that coverage (including the expiration date), and your policy limits for each type of coverage. The document also tells your client what insurance company has written your policy and provides contact information for the insurance company in case the client has any questions about your coverage.XWith a COI, your client can easily determine if the insurance you have meets their requirements.Question 8Question 8 of 8:What if the policy expires soon?

1Make sure the policy doesn’t expire before the end of the project. As long as your policy will remain in effect for the duration of the project, it shouldn’t matter if it’s expiring soon after. However, if your policy will expire before the completion of the project, you’ll need to purchase renewal or continuation insurance so that your client knows you’ll have coverage the whole time you’re working for them.XTake delays into account as well. If you’re doing work that might be subject to delays that are outside of your control, such as weather or supply delays with construction work, make sure your policy extends beyond the proposed end date of the project.Some clients want your insurance to be in effect for a specific period of time after the completion of the project. Ask the client if they need this, particularly if your policy is expiring soon after the end-date for the project.