Do you want to go to a private , but your parents/guardians don’t have enough money? Or are you already at one and you or your parents/guardians just want to lower the fees for yourselves? Either way, this is the article for you, as the solution to your problem is to get a scholarship!

StepsPart 1Part 1 of 3:Picking the Scholarship

1Find out what scholarships the school offers. These usually include sports, music, and academic, but there are generally other options too.

2Figure out which of the scholarships you’d be able to get. For example, if you’re really good at sports, you could get a sports scholarship, or if you’re intelligent, you could get an academic scholarship.

3Find out the requirements for the scholarship(s) you’ve picked out. For example, if you picked the sports scholarship to try and get, find out what sports you’d have to be able to do, how many, and whether there is a test/assessment or not.

4Figure out whether you meet the requirements. For example, if one of the requirements is that you are able to play two or more of the sports the school has teams for, but you only play one sport, you would not be able to get that scholarship. If this happens, you can try to find another scholarship. However, if you have a lot of time before you have to submit the scholarship application, you could try to meet the requirements before then; for example, you could start another sport.

5If you meet the requirements, move onto the next part. You could also see if you fit the requirements for any other scholarships too.Part 2Part 2 of 3:Applying and Testing for the Scholarship

1Once you know you fulfill all the requirements for the scholarship, send your application to the school. There is often a scholarship form on the school’s website, but if there isn’t, you can ring up the school and ask for one. Make sure you get the form in before the deadline- for some schools, the deadline can be a year or more before the first day of school. However, most schools (that aren’t sixth forms) accept scholarship applications closer to the first day of the school year. Sixth forms ask for the forms further in advance.

2Make sure you’ve filled out the form correctly. If it doesn’t have the right information on it, the school may not even consider you for a scholarship.

3Wait for the school to reply. Now that you’ve sent in your form, all you can do is wait for the school to tell you whether they will proceed with your application or not. In the meantime, you could on your sports skills or music, or try to study for any academic tests they might give you.

4If they reply, they will tell you either that you have gotten the scholarship, or that you have to take  an assessment before they decide. If they don’t reply, it might be worth ringing them to check that they received the application.

5Study for the assessment! The school will probably tell you what they will test you on and how they will do it. However, in case they don’t, here’s how to study for different types of assessment:If you applied for a sports scholarship, practice the sports you told the school you did. They will probably want to see you doing them. If you’re in secondary school or above, they may also give you a test on the sports, to make sure you know the rules.If you applied for a music scholarship, practice your best pieces, on all the instruments you put on the application. Also work on you music theory, in case they test you on it. In the UK, if you are at a certain grade in your instrument(s), for example Grade 3 in piano, practice pieces that are at that grade.If you applied for an academic scholarship, study the subject(s) you applied with. They will almost definitely test you on them. Try to learn not only the information for your age level, but also information for higher levels, to show them you are above average for your subject(s). Sometimes, the school will say you can’t study for the test, as there’s nothing you can memorise. Although that may be the case, you can still practice the subject.If you applied for a drama scholarship, practice reading and acting pieces. The school might let you pick a piece to read for the assessment, or it will tell you which ones to read. If you get to pick, try to pick pieces that are very different to show you are talented in more than just one type of piece.if you applied for an scholarship, pick pieces for your portfolio, as they might want to see it. Pick pieces that are in sections (for example, a sketch, then the same picture sketched and painted) so the school can see how you work. Also, try to pick different types of pieces, so the school can see you are talented in multiple ways. For example, pick a painting, and a drawing, and a sculpture, and a collage. Also pick pieces that are different in style; for example, a dark piece and a light piece.if you applied for an all-rounder scholarship, or a scholarship that covers multiple topics, try to study them all!If you applied for a scholarship that isn’t listed above, practice and study your topic until you think that you would do well on a test!

6Try to remain focused when testing. There isn’t much more you can do but try your best!Part 3Part 3 of 3:After you get the Scholarship

1Choose a program. Some schools have special programs for people with scholarships. For example, people who got an academic scholarship could be part of an Academic Scholars group which encourages all members to do academic clubs, such as a writing club. However, not all schools do this. If your school does, try to do what the group tells you, because it will help you develop in that area!

2Realise that some people might be jealous. Some people might try to bully you for getting a scholarship. They might say that you got it because you were too poor to afford the fees for the school, and other things like that. Even if what they’re saying is true, don’t let them get to you: usually, they’re just jealous because they know you’re better at the topic than them. If they say anything like that, just think of a comeback. For example, “I don’t really care what you think- I’m proud of my scholarship. It means that I’m good at art, not that I’m poor.” If the people continue to bully you, tell a teacher. Practically all private schools don’t permit that kind of thing, and will try to stop it immediately.

3Enjoy your time at school! But, don’t slack off––if you do badly at the topic you got the scholarship for, the school might take your scholarship away. This would be really unfortunate, especially if the only way your could afford the school was because of the scholarship. If that’s the case, it’s likely you’d have to leave the school.