Chicken quesadillas are a great alternative to a timeworn classic. Using rotisserie chicken though is a great way to make a fast and easy alternative to your chicken quesadillas. This recipe is great for people who want to have a satisfying meal without the hassle of cooking their own chicken. To learn how you can cook chicken quesadilla with rotisserie chicken, read this wikiHow!

StepsPart 1Part 1 of 2:Shredding and Prepping the Chicken

1Shred the chicken. Using forks, shred the chicken to the desired size you want and place it into a bowl.If you are having issues with the forks, use your hands to help remove the meat faster, if it’s cool to touch.If you do not want skin in your quesadillas remove it before you shred. The skin should be held together enough to be removed easily.

2Place the chicken into a desired sauce or seasoning (optional).If using a sauce, place into a sauce pan on medium to low heat and add the sauce.Depending on the sauce you can leave the chicken in the sauce while the quesadilla is heating up. You might like using El Pato sauce which is a hot tomato sauce, if you like.Part 2Part 2 of 2:Cooking the Quesadilla

1Place a light coating of butter in the pan, on medium heat.If you plan on using oil follow the same steps as the butter, but adjust the cooking time by a minute. The oil will cook the food faster than the butter.

2Place the tortilla on the butter and lightly cook the tortilla. Flip the tortilla to coat both sides with a thin layer of butter once placed.You will know the tortilla is ready to be filled once a pocket bubble forms.

3Put shredded cheese on half of the tortilla. Use a pinch-full of shredded cheese, slightly less than a half cup, and place a nice layer on one half of the tortilla.

4Set your chicken on the cheese, and top with another sprinkled layer of cheese. Use a small portion of chicken to not overfill the quesadilla.

5Use a spatula to fold the tortilla in half and lightly hold it in place. After 20 to 30 seconds, flip the tortilla and lightly hold it in place again for 20 to 30 seconds.If the quesadilla is cooking too fast, move the pan to a non-heated stove-top element and reduce the heat on your cooking element.If you are having issues folding the tortilla, move it to the side of the pan where it curves. This will hold it in place while you fold the tortilla over.

6Place on a plate and serve. Add with any dipping sauce of your choice! Sour and hot sauce are always a delicious go-to.