Fish is delicious—there’s no doubt about that! But with overfishing, rising sea temperatures, and habitat destruction, many of our oceanic species are in danger of going extinct. However, this doesn’t mean that you can never enjoy seafood again. If you source your fish and do a little research into where it came from, you can eat seafood sustainably and ethically.

StepsQuestion 1Question 1 of 5:Is it environmentally friendly to eat fish?

1Depending on the source, it can be! Fish caught locally by a small fishmonger or fish caught on a rather than a huge net are usually okay to eat. The best way to eat fish sustainably is to find out where the fish was caught, how the fish was caught, and how endangered the speciesTry looking for fish labeled with the Marine Stewardship Council logo. They have a list of over 5,000 fish and fish products that they’ve certified as sustainable.

2If you eat fish that has been overfished or is endangered, no. Many fish populations are decreasing due to overfishing and habitat loss. Eating fish that are diminishing contributes to overfishing and can even lead to extinction.XThis may vary depending on the area you live in. Certain fish species can be endangered in one area but thriving in another. That means you’ll need to research which fish species are endangered or overfished in your area before buying fish if you want to be sustainable. This information is provided online by organizations like the Marine Stewardship Council and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.Question 2Question 2 of 5:What is sustainably sourced fish?

1Fish that have been caught with the longevity of the species in mind. This usually means line fishing rather than net fishing and catching fish species that aren’t endangered. This could also include farm or hatchery fish, meaning that they’re bred in a facility and then released into the wild.XIn the US, fisheries are required by law to comply with sustainability standards. They take into account the fish species, the number of fish, how endangered they are, and which areas they’re fishing in.If a product has the Marine Stewardship Council logo on it, you’ll know that it was caught sustainably.When you’re shopping for fresh fish at a market or deli, ask the person behind the counter about their source. They can tell you more about how the fish was caught and if it’s sustainable or not.Question 3Question 3 of 5:What are the most sustainable fish to eat?

1Bivalves, mackerel, pollack, halibut, or king crab. These fish and undersea critter species aren’t in any danger of going extinct, and they’re usually readily available. Depending on how close you live to the ocean, you may find more of these species than others.XKeep in mind that the list of endangered fish species is constantly changing. What’s okay to eat now might not be okay in a few years due to overfishing.Question 4Question 4 of 5:Which fish should you never eat?

1Eel, wild sardines, swordfish, plaice, and bigeye tuna. These species are notoriously overfished and probably don’t come from sustainable sources. If you can find them from farms or hatcheries, eating them is probably fine.XSome of this depends on the area you live in, too. If you live in the UK and can find sardines from Cornwall, they’re fine to eat.

2Cod is very common, but its population levels are going down. Recent studies have shown that most cod species are overfished, especially off the east coast of North America. Although cod is cheap, you may want to avoid it until populations rise again.XCod from farms or hatcheries are fine to eat.Question 5Question 5 of 5:How do you know if fish is sustainable?

1Check it via NOAA or the MSC. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, or NOAA, has a fish database that you can search to see how sustainable a species is.X The Marine Stewardship Council, or MSC, also has a database that you can look through.XBoth of these guides are constantly changing as they update for population levels.To search the NOAA database, visit search the MSC database, visit

2Download an app to check fish on the go. If you’re at the grocery store, you might want to check a fish species quickly. You can download an app like Seafood Watch, FishPhone, or Safe Seafood to search the species while you’re out and about.XThese apps are also usually updated with new information periodically as the science changes.Keep in mind that some apps may have differing information depending on their sources. You can compare and contrast different apps or consult a fish database if you’re having doubts.

3Ask the business if the fish is sustainable. Most grocery stores should know how and where their fish came from, so they can generally give you an answer. If you’re at a restaurant, you can ask the head chef about their supplies.XThis is a good “last resort,” so to speak, if you’ve checked the databases and the apps but you can’t find any info.