Building a new computer and stuck on what size case to get? Choosing between a mid or full-size tower can be confusing since there are so many things to consider, but this wikiHow article will make the choice easier for you!

StepsSection 1Section 1 of 4:What’s the difference between full-sized and mid-sized?1These two are mostly differentiated in size, but they also serve different purposes. The size you opt for will have more to do with your plans for your PC than the physical size:While a mid-sized tower is usually 17-18″ tall, it’s primarily used for gaming.A full-sized case measures about 20-22″ high, and is used more in high-CPU processes, like Illustrator movie editors.If you’re using processes that are CPU-heavy, like video editing or streaming, or gaming and streaming at the same time, then a full-sized tower with some liquid cooling is your best option. If you’re simply gaming, a mid-sized tower should fine for you.AdvertisementSection 2Section 2 of 4:What’s a full-sized tower good for?

1A full-sized tower is good for high-CPU processes, like video editing or streaming services. Since a full-sized tower is massive, it can generally fit most hardware inside as well as some liquid/water cooling features. They also generally have fantastic airflow possibilities so computers that tend to run hot (like with video editing) can be cooled down efficiently.Full-sized towers generally have better cooling, more optical drive space, more storage, and more space for video cards than mid-cases, but are also much more expensive.They are also heavier (not as portable as a mid-case), bigger (which could be an issue if you don’t have a lot of space), and are prone to dead-air zones (there can be areas that fans can’t reach to maintain airflow).If you get a full-sized tower, you’ll want to use all the fan slots you have available to ensure that you don’t get hot pockets of air sitting inside your case.Section 3Section 3 of 4:What’s a mid-sized tower good for?

1A mid-sized tower is usually used for gaming. They have enough room for about 2-3 GPUs, 6-8 extension bays, and 2-3 motherboards, which most modern games require. Mid cases have better airflow management since they are so compact, and can even fit 6 fans.Since mid-tower cases are so much smaller than full-tower cases, they don’t have enough room to support liquid cooling systems. This won’t be an issue if you’re planning on gaming, though.The liquid cooling systems really only benefit cooling off CPUs that run hot from running high-CPU processes. A mid-sized tower has maximized airflow and can efficiently cool down your computer.AdvertisementSection 4Section 4 of 4:Size Considerations

1You want your tower to fit everything, with some space left over for airflow. To figure out the minimum size you need, check your motherboard. Your tower must be compatible with the motherboard, or it’s not going to fit. If you opt for a bigger tower, it’ll give you more room for cable management, additional GPUs, or liquid cooling tubes.The most popular motherboard, a standard ATX model, will fit either a full- or mid-size tower.