If you’ve used a HomePatrol before but never used HomePatrol Sentinel to explore more of your device, this might be the time to look at it. To get more out of your device, begin reading step 1 below and follow through to the end of this article. See what HomePatrol Sentinel can give you!

‘Note: Uniden has discontinued it’s use of the HomePatrol Sentinel software for use with their HomePatrol since their newest HomePatrol can connect directly to the Internet to update it’s database. Uniden has forgot that other devices can’t connect directly. While you can still use this software to browse, it’s unable to update it’s database at this time.

Steps1Download and install the Sentinel software to your Windows PC. Note that HomePatrol hasn’t made Sentinel for Macs yet, so Macintosh functionality is not available at this time. You can find HomePatrol on your Start menu or Start screen (depending on the version of Windows that you are currently using).

2Upload and download the settings from Sentinel to your device. Use the “Read from HomePatrol” and “Write to HomePatrol” buttons under the “HomePatrol” menu. If you want to keep the device and your list in sync, make sure your PC reads your device’s information before performing any actions, and make sure to then routinely write any and all changes to your PC.Advertisement

3Make sure to update the database so you can retrieve the newest information. You don’t need to plug it in to use the software to grab the information, unless you are trying to update the device itself (one runs off the other’s information).

4Peruse the list. You can find the frequencies and talk group numbers to trunking frequency information in the database. Other than to make channels as Favorites, there should be no reason to worry about reading the remainder of the columns (unless you are a police scanner addict who wants to know everything about each station they monitor including modulation and broadcast signal strength). (Each level will change the columns as you expand down the list, and so different columns will be provided above the lowest level block.)Look at the list on the left’s tree view. Click the plus sign, in order to expand the group to show the state or provinces in your country.Expand the state into its appropriate county.Expand the county list into its appropriate sub-grouping, which at this time won’t differ. You’ll have three choices: “Nationwide”, “Statewide” and “County Systems”.Expand the choice, or, for additional information in your county on which things Sentinel serves, open up County Systems. Nationwide and Statewide rarely change.Find and expand the type of system you think the item might be listed under. Think in terms of genre of the business. Is it some type of police force, firefighting force, or some type of non-emergency-based business place? Is it anything having to do with supermarket chains or something else? All the database information will be found here.Look at the list on the right hand side of the page. Look under the “Frequency” column for the frequency by which you can use to program a non-HomePatrol scanner of. This information is critical to listening to all the action.

5Set and update user information, or the information that you’ve programmed into your scanner when you turn it on. Click the Edit menu at the top of the software screen and click “Edit Profile”. You’ll see just what preferences you can set.

6Set the permanently avoided channels from Sentinel, along with managing already-set ones that have been uplinked to the software upon opening.

7Set and create a separate list of frequencies to closely monitor when scanning your HomePatrol and the airwaves around your device. Manage the list of Favorites. Find these 2-3 options in the Edit menu on the top.

8Set which services you want to listen to as you turn on the scanner. This dialog box will be listed under the Edit menu as “Add Channels on Range”. Select and deselect the corresponding entries for your device.

9Update your device’s firmware from the link under the Update menu. However, very little action is seen in terms of new firmware versions for most HomePatrol devices.Advertisement