Binary is the language of computers. They allow computers to do all of the complex things that they do. You might think that since binary numbers allow for such complex operations that they would be equally complex to decode, but thankfully this is not the case. This wikiHow will show you how to decode binary numbers into alphabetical or numerical characters.


1Remember that in binary 1 is “on: and 0 is “off.”

2Choose the binary number that you want to decode.

3Give each number a value, starting from the extreme right.For example, using the number 1001001, 1=1, +0=2, +0=4, +1=8, +0=16, +0=32, +1=64.The number becomes: 32+16+8+4+2+1.

4Cut off all values that are of 0 and add values of 1.0 values = 2,4,16,32 –> 1 values = 1+8+64=73

5Change the answer from its numerical form of the character to its alphabetical form by using an alphabet-number-punctuation chart. X

6Divide each of your numbers into groups of 8, and then convert them to numerical form.For example, 111111110000000011111111=11111111+00000000+11111111