If one of your piercings looks red or swollen, it may be infected. This wikiHow will give you tips on how to treat infected piercings and how to prevent them from occurring.

StepsMethod 1Method 1 of 2:Treating Infected Piercings

1Know the symptoms of an infected piercing. Infections occur most frequently after home piercings or mistakes made during the piercing. If you feel any of the following symptoms, you might have an infected piercing:XPain or sorenessExcessive rednessSwellingPuss, blood, or fluid dischargeSwollen lymph nodes, especially those near the pierced area

2Don’t wait to start treatment. Infections can progress rapidly if not cared for, and most infections can be wiped out quickly if they are properly cleaned early and often. Call your piercing parlor with any questions. When in doubt, always clean your piercing with warm water and soap.

3Rinse your ear with saline solution. You can buy this simple antiseptic at most piercing parlors, but it is easy to make at home as well. Mix 1/8 tablespoon of non-iodized sea salt into a cup of water and stir until dissolved. Submerge your piercing in the water, or use a clean cotton swab to press it against your ear for 20 minutes twice a day.

4Apply an antibiotic to the pierced area. Use over-the-counter creams like polymyxin B sulfate (Polysporin) or bacitracin to fight off bacteria in your infection. Apply the ointment lightly to the wound with a Q-tip or cotton swab twice a day.XTrustworthy SourceAmerican Academy of PhysiciansOrganization devoted to improving the health of patients, families, and communitiesGo to sourceIf a skin rash or itching develops, stop using the ointment. The rash may be caused by an allergic reaction.

5Apply a cold pack to help reduce swelling or bruising. An ice pack will lower swelling around your piercing, which can help fight off infection. Never apply ice directly to the skin, as this can cause tissue damage. Put a layer of fabric or a cloth towel between the cold pack and the skin.

6Visit or call your piercer. They will have advice for you based on the piercing and symptoms. Oftentimes they will repeat the post-piercing cleaning process, which can help quickly eliminate an infection.For simple infections, the piercer will likely give you treatment suggestions.For serious infections, the piercer should send you to a doctor with detailed instructions about the wound, piercing, and potential solutions.

7Go to the doctor for infections lasting more than 48 hours or fever. Your doctor will most likely prescribe something to treat the infection, usually an oral antibiotic. If you see no improvement or your symptoms worsen after treating the infection at home, you should immediately see a doctor. Symptoms to watch out for include:XMuscle or joint painFeverChillsNausea or vomitingXMethod 2Method 2 of 2:Preventing Infected Piercings

1Clean the piercing frequently. Using warm water and soap, apply a washcloth to gently wash out your new piercing. Keeping dirt, grime, and bacteria away from the wound should be enough to prevent infection.XTrustworthy SourceNational Health Service (UK)Public healthcare system of the UKGo to sourceBe sure to clean the piercing after exercise, going outside, cooking, or cleaning.Rubbing alcohol, though it kills bacteria, will dry out your skin and potentially cause an infection.

2Rinse your piercing with saline solution twice a day. While you could buy saline at the piercing parlor, you can also make it at home with only 2 ingredients. Mix 1/8 tablespoon of non-iodized sea salt into a cup of distilled water and stir until it dissolves. Submerge your piercing in the saltwater, or soak a clean cotton swab in the water and apply it to the piercing for 20 minutes twice a day.

3Keep your hands clean. Dirty hands are the number one cause of infection, so always wash your hands before touching or treating your piercing.

4Avoid tight clothing around the piercing. If you have a piercing that is constantly rubbing on your clothes, wear looser clothing. This is especially true for navel, genital, nipple, or other body piercings.

5Refrain from pools, hot tubs, or the gym for 2-3 days after the piercing. These places are hot-spots of moisture and bacteria that commonly lead to infections. Your piercing is an open wound and it will absorb bacteria much more readily then unbroken skin.

6Know that all new piercings become inflamed for several days. Don’t freak out if you see redness or soreness in the first few days after a piercing. This is your body’s normal response to a puncture. Inflammation is common and can be easily treated with an ice-pack and ibuprofen.X If the inflammation lasts for more than 3-5 days, however, you may be developing an infection.

7Do not remove the jewelry if you are worried about an infection. While it may seem counterintuitive, you should avoid removing the jewelry if you notice signs of active infection, such as pus, since removing the jewelry can cause the piercing to close up and trap the infection inside your body. It’s important that the piercing remain open so that it can drain; otherwise, you may develop an abscess or worsen the existing infection.X