Boys aren’t the only ones who get in fights: girls fight too! If you know you’re going to have to fight another girl and you’re scared, let wikiHow help. It’s always better to try to find a peaceful solution to the problem but if you can’t then you need to be able to defend yourself.


1Try to find a different solution first. You should always talk to a parent or teacher before fighting. Try to find another way to solve your that doesn’t include violence.XExpert SourceTsahi ShemeshSelf Defense TrainerExpert Interview. 17 September 2019. We know that you don’t want to seem lame to the other girls, but if the other girls only like you for being tough then they don’t really like you at all. They aren’t your true friends and they never could be.XFighting can have lots of bad consequences for you. If you really, seriously hurt the other girl, even if she started the fight, you could go to jail or get in trouble with the police. This can happen even by accident, so it’s better to steer away if you can.

2Do not ever fight on grounds. Plan to have the fight outside the school grounds. Fighting on school grounds could further increase your chances of getting suspended or even expelled. However its important to note that even if you choose to fight away from the school, you are still very likely to get into trouble with your school for fighting as it is an unacceptable way to behave and solve a problem.

3Have backup, always. Chances are if the girl is a good fighter, her friends will jump in so you need some to do the same. This can keep you from getting seriously hurt. With a few friends in tow, the fight will probably stay smaller, since no one will let it get really out of control. Just make sure to tell your friends that you want to keep the fighting to a minimum. They’re there to protect you only!

4Refrain from throwing the first punch. You want to avoid fighting if at all possible. Argue with her or try to talk her down: whatever you do just don’t be the first one to start fighting. If you hold your ground and don’t say anything too angering, you might not have to fight at all.XTry using dialogue (talking) to shut the fight down. Say something like, “I’m tired of all this arguing. It’s not going to change anything. Can’t we just stay out of each others way?” or “Is this really going to fix this problem? I want us both to walk away happy.”XExpert SourceTsahi ShemeshSelf Defense TrainerExpert Interview. 17 September 2019.

5Look for weaknesses. While she’s talking, stay calm and assess how you think she’s vulnerable. If she’s shorter – bear down on her. If she’s taller go for her legs and her midsection. If she has long hair grab a handful and pull her head down so she can’t see.X

6Lean into a punch. You should angle your head if you see she’s about to punch you so that your forehead or top of your head gets hit instead. This will hurt her hands and could help in discouraging further punching. Furthermore, it will do less damage to your body. Your skull is very strong!

7Turn to the side, to avoid stomach punches. If she’s trying to punch your stomach, move your body so that she hits your side instead. This will protect your body and keep you form getting too badly injured.

8Kick if you fall to the ground. Absolutely avoid getting on the ground but if you fall to the ground, kick at your attacker to keep them away from you. Look for an opportunity to get up but don’t turn away from the other girl. Roll into a ball to protect yourself if this doesn’t out.X

9Avoid hitting with your fist. Most people hold their fist wrong and you can end up hurting yourself. Instead, hold your fist in one hand and hit with your elbow.

10Aim for where it hurts. Try to hit in sensitive areas if you’re going to hit.XExpert SourceTsahi ShemeshSelf Defense TrainerExpert Interview. 17 September 2019. The groin, chest, stomach, face, knees, feet and hands are all easy to hurt.X

11Let her tire herself out. Dodge as many hits as you can. Let her move and keep her moving. This will make her tired and help end the fight sooner.

12Use a disabling move. You want to get her onto the ground to try to bring the fight to an end. The best way to do this is to use her own body against her. Grab her pinky, and pull it back towards her elbow. Her arm will follow. Guide the arm so that it goes behind her back and then push her down to the ground. Place your knee at the center of her back and hold her arm in place until she calms down.

13Trick her. The best thing to do in a fight, is trick the opponent. Throw your arms out, as if to punch her, and when she grabs your hands, kick her where it hurts.

14Act. In a fight, if you get punched or kicked, but it didn’t really hurt, act. Fall to the ground screaming and crying, she’ll laugh and laugh. When she least expects it, get up and do what you need to do, this is a fight, after all!